Monday, December 10, 2007

why read?

i received quite a few comments on my last post, so i've dicided to write a follow-up post, dealing with a very similar issue. today's question is: why read at all?
for many people, this question is absurd. why wouldn't you want to read? but many others are asking themselves this strange question. after all, so many books are being made into movies nowadays, so you're not missing out on anything if you just see a movie version of a story , right?
WRONG. utterly, completely, horribly wrong.
as i clearly stated in the post titled "don't judge a book by its movie" , you are definitely missing out if you just see a movie adapted from a book, instead of reading the book itself. but there are so many other reasons why reading is important. i'll try to address a few of them.
writing and reading is a way of sharing ideas and viewpoints. even just from reading a simple book like the Brothers Grimm, one can discover all sorts of new ideas that he had never heard of before. this broadens people's perspectives, and makes them think. did you ever hear of that strange concept before? people actually thinking? it seems weird to us, because we're so used to all sorts of entertainment nowadays that require little to no deep thinking whatsoever. you know, things like movies and video games.
reading makes people smarter. ok, maybe i should rephrase that: reading makes people more knowledgable. the more you read, the more you know. it's as simple as that. of course, to be a wise person, you can't simply read a lot. you must take the knowledge you have learned and apply it, doing and saying the right thing at the right times. as i have so often said, a smart person isn't someone who reads a lot, and isn't someone who gets perfect grades. in my opinion a smart person is a person who doesn't do stupid things. but i digress.
to become a better writer, you must read more. this is a known fact. when you read, you pick up on all sorts of styles, without neccessarily realizing it. you realize the different ways words can be arranged, as well as add greatly to your vocabulary. all of this will make you a good writer.
the reason i like reading the most is because it's a sort of ... escape. there's no better way to put it. when i get bored, frustrated, or saddened by the world i'm in, i often pick up a book. reading is my way of leaving my world and exploring a whole new universe. a universe in which incredible things happen. sometimes sad, sometimes funny, sometimes scary, but always incredible.
the feeling i get when i read can't be copied by movies. watching a movie doesn't give me the same sensation as reading a book does, especially a movie that is a lame copy of an amazing book. the only thing that comes close to reading for me is listening to a good story, told by a good storyteller.
so what about you, faithful readers? why do you like to read? why would you waste your time reading the words that some stranger has written down? what's in it for you? how does it help you? how does it make you feel? am i the only book lover in the world?


4evernameless said...

I think of myself as a somewhat "picky reader". You see, I only like specific books, and I only enjoy reading books that have an intresting plot.
For example, I wouldn't read James Paterson's book, "The Maximum Ride" for mere enjoyment.
I think reading is important. Why?
1- it's a good hobby, as oppose to wasting time playing computer games etc.
2- similar to what you've said griffinrider, reading makes you more knowlegable.
However, at this point, I beg to differ.
Sometimes if you're not reading a science or history book, you may not neccasarily acquire knowlege. And reading a book with high vocabulary may not neccasarily help you improve your writin because when one reads he or she normally doesn't pick up high words because he's too immersed in the story to notice, or he or she is too lazy to get up and get a dictionary.So reading may not, in all cases help someone's writing.
In addition, someone once told me that they find it difficult to focus when reading. She was constantly distracted by her surroundings to concentrate. It is hard for some to pick themselves up and go to a quiet place to read.

As I've mentioned before, I think I am somewhat picky. I like to read modern fiction stories.(Y'now, the regular stories about someone's conlict, life etc.) But i dont like reading stuff written in old english- in unfathomable writing.
Now, I have a question for all you readers.
What do you think are some things that make/define one as smart?

griffinrider said...

Hey, 4evernameless! (cool name!)
of course you're a picky reader! everybody is. though 'picky reader" is a strange term for it. sounds like "picky eater". kinda cute.
anywho, nobody is interested in everything. and since there are books on every conceivable subject, we're all bound to find something that we don't like. i, for instance, simply cannot stand books that are meant to teach you how to plant roses in the shape of a teapot. why? because i am simply not interested. that's all. apparently, you are not interested in a bunch of kids with wings. ok. fair enough. but why, pray tell, do you seem to have such a need for bringing up the subject of Maximum Ride? it's almost an obsession. it's almost as if...dare i say it? as if you actually like the book. if you didn't, why would you keep bringing it up? i do wonder.
anywho, of course you enjoy reading novels that have an interesting plot. that's the whole point of novels. if nobody thought the plot was interesting, nobody would read the book. that much is obvious. the thing is, "interesting" is a matter of perspective. what you might find incredibly interesting, i might find so boring that i'd rather kill myself than be forced to read it for more than 2.5 seconds. you see what i'm saying? take another example: some people think that i, personally, am very interesting. i have been told this many times. but there are definitely people out there (very few, of course) who, shockingly enough, might find me dull! can you imagine such a thing?
so what i find interesting, you might find boring, and vice versa. of course you read books with interesting plots. if the plot is interesting to you , you like the book. well, usually.
there is no such thing as a book with a plot that nobody likes. at least 2 people like the plot of every single book that gets published: 1) the author 2) the publisher.
reading a book will make you more knowledgable. even if you read something incredibly stupid, like the Sweet Valley twins thing (i forget the exact name), you are gaining knowledge. the book might not say outright "Q=m delta t cp"
but you are learning in a less obvious way. you learn different styles of writing, different words, different ways people view the world and human nature, and different ways people interact with eachother. and if you're reading historical fiction (which i dearly recommend you do as often as possible) you'll learn all sorts of cool stuff.
and you will pick up on new vocab words, even without realizing it. i've learned hundreds, if not thousands, of new words from books, and here's a little secret: i never once used a dictionary to see what words i didn't understand meant. actually, i did once, but that was an emergency situation. basically, if you keep seeing the smae words in various pieces of writing, you'll understand how they're used and what they mean. trust me! i'm speaking from experience here!
so what are you waitng for? why are you just sitting here staring at a stupid blog on a computer screen? go get a book that interests you (though not neccessarily me) and read! NOW!!!!
(Wait- answer my comment first!)

griffinrider said...

hey 4evernameless:
P.S. don't 4get to check out my answer to the harry potter ideas! (see 'don't judge a book by its movie!)

4evernameless said...

But you see, you forgot something important about what I wrote.
I wrote that sometimes people are more immersed in a book's story than the words. I fi see a word that I don't know, then I'll just skip it! An y'now how they always say u can figure out a word's definition by the context of the sentence? well that proves to be false some times! Sometimes a word you are unfamaliar with can be superseded (does that make sense?:))
with a hundred different words that would fit in??
Also sometimes it's very hard for people to find books in general. when I go to the library, it's so hard just to pick up any book and sart reading. I'd have a problem with inappropriate language, like curse words and just not nice stuff that gentiles write about. And several times I've asked friends and family to recommend me good books(even if not fiction) but they give me oblique answers.
So, what is your opinion on the matter?

4evernameless said...

Excuse you! I do not like Maximum Ride! How dare you! How dare you have the audacity to say such a thing! I have a colossal aversion to that book! I abhor it! I detest it! I despise it! I loathe it! I hate it!

griffinrider said...

you like maximum ride, why don't you just admit it? if you don't like it, why are you always talking about it? well?
and it seems to me that you have a big enough vocabulary, considering you just wrote five sinonyms for the word "hate". and no, you used "supersede" a bit incorrectly over there. no offnse.

griffinrider said...

wow! i spotted quite a few vocab. words in there!
anywho, you will subconsciously learn new words by reading. trust me. YOU WILL!!! you just prbably won't realize it at first. you might not realize it until you start writing your own stories a lot, but you learn words form your writing.
if you can't find a book that interests you, i recommend you talk to your local librarian, bookstore salesperson, or orthodox rabbi, and he or she may recommend a few good books that are appropriate for your age level and interests. you can also read book reviews in newspapers and magazines. and, worse comes to worst, you can always just read your school textbooks! global is oddly interesting, and science can put you right to sleep- it's like a free sleeping pill!
also, try reading the back of cereal boxes. you never know what amazing discoveries you might find.
and don't be afraid to reread your favorite books. you can pick up on all sorts of discoveries, hints, and secret codes the second (or third, or eighteenth) time around.
happy reading!

ImitationRandomFactor said...

wow, what a heated discussion regarding maximum ride we have here!
i dont have much comments about the reading aspect, sadly.
nonetheless, i do aquiesce w/ both of u (and that was from my vocab book!)
happy reading e/o and dont 4get- ENYEH!

4evernameless said...

Actually, I asked my sister to give me synonyms for the word hate, so . . . .

Cewkee said...

To tell you the truth I once did go to my local library's librarian and asked her if she could recommend me some books and she gave me a huge pile of some old english, incomprehensible, odd books. I took them home, so excited, only to find myself falling asleep over some odd books. In addition i once put an ad on fivetownsshuls 4 reccomendations of books for a 15 year old. After alot of searching, I finally got a hold of the book. It turned out those books were about soem islamiic who know's what! I was devastated once again!
And orthodox rabbi-please! what kind of suggestion is that?! Let's see YOU go 2 ur rabbi and ask 4 books! Ha!
So, it is manifest that if someone only gave me good books to read, I would.
So, id you dont mind, can you bring me some good books you may have in ur house? And dont tell me you dont have anything that would be suitable! just bring me something, please!

griffinrider said...

Hey 4evernameless!
you asked your sister? and here i had such high hopes....
so if you can just ask your sister for vocab words, why do you need to build your own vocabulary?! so it doesn't matter if reading helps your vocabulary skills, because you have a living thesorous right there when you need her!

griffinrider said...

hey, cewkee!
ok, so your librarioan doesn't know what he/she was talking about. oh well. i must confess, i was once at a bookstore, and i saw the saleswoman recommending an approxamitaly 9-year-old boy to read Black Beauty. come on! what boy wants to read a bout a horse?! boys like reading about wiardsa and aliens and dinosaurs and racecars. i should know!
to find books, you gotta be a little adventurous. don't be afraid to pick up some random book and start reading! that's how i found a lot of my favorite books! and see my new post for book recommendations.