Sunday, December 16, 2007

what makes a hero?

books are always talking about heroes. when teachers force their students to analyze literature (one of the worst tortures humans can inflict on eachother) they often ask who the hero in a story is. What defines someone as a hero? what does the word "hero" mean? is somebody born a hero? can one gain a trait of heroism? is one a hero every day of his life, or does one only become one depending on the situation?
is a hero somebody who changes the world? i don't think so, because anyone can change the world. if you would go to the beach right now, and move one grain of sand one inch from where it originally rested, you've just changed the world from the way it was before you came along. is a hero someone who changes the world on a broader scale? maybe. Colombus definitely changed the world, but few people define him as a hero, or even as a good person. is a hero someone who changes the world for the better? if that's the case, then there's precious few heroes in the history of mankind, because there has been very few incidents in which somebody changed the whole world for the better.
is a hero someone who changes just a few people's lives for the better? makes others into better people? then almost everybody in the world is a hero, because most people are good and try to help others, right?
Let's look at somebody who most people think of as a hero. Hmm. How about Moses? he was definitely a hero, everybody agrees on that. who's a bigger hero than Moses, the man who led the Jews from slavery? when Moses was born, his face was shining. all sorts of other miracles happened for the infant Moses as well. it was almost as if, from the second he was born, he was designated to be a hero. it was his destiny. nobody could expect less from a baby who refused to drink gentile milk when he was only three months old!
Does this mean that i can't be Moses? i can't be as great a hero, no matter how hard i try? i mean, sure, it's all up to the individual and all that. but the fact remains that my face wasn't shining when i was born. if my mom would've put me in a box and sent me down a river, i almost certainly wouldn't have survived. i would never be able to tell the difference between Kosher and non-kosher as a newborn. Moses's destiny was all laid out for him, it seems. i guess, theoretically, he could've chosen a different path. he could've decided not to become the great man that he was. but still, it seems as if he were...born great.
is a hero somebody that inspires you to be the best that you can possibly be? that's what i think. though my Moses question still hasn't been answered, this seems to be a good definition of the word "hero". maybe a hero isn't someone who saves the world from disaster. maybe a hero isn't someone who saves a thousand people from certain doom, or even saves one person from certain doom. maybe a hero isn't somebody who fights evil, wearing a mask and a cool cape. maybe a hero isn't necessarily somebody who's famous, somebody who everybody knows. maybe a hero isn't somebody who people sing about in ballads, or are written about in epic poems, or are talked about in stories, or those people who everybody recognizes when they walk down the street.
Maybe a hero is somebody smaller, yet much, much bigger. maybe a hero is somebody who touches your soul. who you never, ever forget. somebody who, when you think of him, makes you feel a little stronger inside, and a lot less alone. somebody who's not necessarily famous. somebody who isn't especially great, isn't "larger-than-life". a hero is just somebody who, in one way or another, inspires.
i have many heroes. my family. my friends. people who i hope to see soon, and people who I've never seen at all, and people who I'll probably never seen again. but all of them are just that- people. people with something inside of them that inspires me to be the best i can possibly be.
my heroes are the people who refuse to give up hope. the people who find light in the darkness. the people who make sacrifices- who give up what's important to them for the ones they love.
some of these people i know personally. others are long gone, and I've heard stories of them. either way, these are the people i wish to be like. this is one of my main goals, one that i don't yet know how, or if, i can fulfill. but it's something that i think everybody wants to be. what i know i want desperately to become.
A Hero.


ImitationRandomFactor said...

i believe you are aware of these facts but i feel it is crucial that i remind you, b/c it highly pertains to what you were previously discussing.
Everyone has his/her own potential.
Its as simple as that.
What you can accomplish within your lifetime highly differs from what I can, your sibling can,
Jigy 9 can, the people who create recordos can, etc. And once that being accomplishes and reaches his/her potential, that is what, in my opinion, is a hero. Not necessarily a worldwide one that recieves the Academy award, or the Nobel Peace Prize. Not even one who makes it 2 CBS news, or even 1010 wins. but s/o who can leave an impact by fulfilling her/his
task in this world. Anyone can be a hero, but no one may no of it.
Do you acquiesce with me?

shrimpyattitude said...

I'm new here, but I wanted to know if there were any blogs about craisins and other fruits beneficial to the heart. please reply immeadiately.
(Please ignore my screename)

sweetpotatopie said...

everyone has his/hers own potential. i once heard, from a little birdy, during ones life they are fullfilling there "dash"(1992-?) one should reach for the stars even though they may not succeed. i may be destine to be a rock star while you could be the biggest rebbitien. it isn't the one who is on the top page of the newspaper it is the one who leaves an impact on the world. you can be a hero and fullfill your dash/lifetime with making impacts on the world.

Golda said...

Hey everyone, I'm back from my vay K (vaca) from the Bahamas. So how were all you?
Oh, so I see you were discusing heros. Hmmmmmm . . . .
that sounds sort of familiar. . . .
Oh! But, of course!
I know who's the best hero, of all!
Why, of course, the one and only!
If you wanna find the troo definiton of hero, look it up in the dictionary and you'll find my name.
Well then, Goodbye!

4evernameless said...

I think the heroic of all is one who overcome his or her self-desires, one who gives himself up, for the sake of others.

griffinrider said...

hey, Shrimpyattitude!
there's a great blog for raisins i know. i don't know if craisins are discusses there, too. it's by the way, what on earth does that have to do with heroes?!
hey, golda!
i hope you enjoyed your vacation. let me just say that i think you're the most self-absorbed bigshot with the biggest ego on the face of the planet. no offense.

griffinrider said...

hey, IRF:
what's with you and our vocab words?
anywho, although everybody has the potential to be great, hardly anyone completely fulfills his potential. you know what i mean? how can i possibly do everything possible? there's far too much to do, and far too little time. any suggestions?

Hey, 4evernameless:
i totally agree with you. enough said.

Golda said...

Hey! I am NOT self-centered no matter what you say! That is very vitriolic of you!
I do not think I have a big ego!
and you definitely should not look down at someone who has a big ego because an egotist only tals about herself, and not anyone else, therfore not speaking badly of anyone else. So an egotist is really righteous, and should be looked up to.
Therefore, I believe that I am an egotist in the sense that I am righteous, demure, and extremelly modest.However, I do not share the bad qualities of an egotist

4evernameless said...

griffinrider, I think u are inadvertantly ostracizing sweetpotatopie by not commenting on her comments.
So please try to include others in the fun.

griffinrider said...

sorry, sweet potato!
what you said is totally true, and very interesting. i have to think about it for a while. or, as some people like to say, ruminate. right. well, thank you for your continued support.

hey, golda!:
though i admire your sense of sensitivity towards gossip, i still posses the feelings that you have a tiny bit of an ego. i don't know where i got that idea from. i just sort of have a feeling that you think a bit too highly of yourself. i wonder why i feel this way.
by the way, i, too, am exceedingly modest. i'm also a grate speler, and the bestest at grammar.

Golda said...

griffinrider, isnt intresting how we are both so modest, and we both feel that way too?
Atleast we feel the same way in some sort of aspect. However, I do not concur w/ u that I have a big ego, my ego is the size of 1 electron from a fried cheesecurl (that has spinach cream on top)
So, i dont know what u r talkin about,
so quit it alredy!
Your ego is the size 203,537,683,691,900,132 elephants standing on Mount Everest!
So there!

griffinrider said...

Oh, yeah? well, i beg to differ! your ego is the size of one mole of unpopped popcorn kernels PLUS the the size of the amount of homework i have!

sweetpotatopie said...

well i don't know about you guys but i am the most intelegente, humble, smart, great, and number one person. and the best part about me is that i have no ego, so there. And griffinrider i do believe that you have a big ego maybe the size of our global test tomorrow that we all should be studing for. Anywho, i beseech you not to be angry with me but i must go and get cracking with studing!!!

griffinrider said...

hey SPPP:
i agree. you are incredibly humble, modest, and non-ego-ish. is that a word? i don't think so. whatever. i make up new words all the time!Examples: brain socket, shrimperstein....

griffinrider said...

but people, we still haven't answered my question: was moses born a hero or not? hello? anyone? doesn't anybody have anything to say on the matter?

griffinrider said...

i guess not.

Golda said...

same here

sweetpotatopie said...

hi griffinrider,
i have an opinion on this. moses was born greta cause as we see that he had rays of light coming forth from his face when he was born. the light that the creater of all creatures hide away for the world to come. so he was born great. but besides that everyone is born with a porpuse in life to become the greatest one can be. would you have been born if you didn't have a great thing to do through out your life? so this is one opinion. besides that all babies are great with-in themselves, for they can't do any wrongs, they learn from the people around them and somtimes have a little bit of selfishness but really they can bring about great things!!! so even if moses didn't shine when he was born(besides the fact that G-d did a miricale for him and made him be born afew months early) he was a great person. born great and stayed great through-out his life. we should all take moses and place him as our role models.

griffinrider said...

ok, so you're saying moses was an exception to the rule? moses WAS born great? if so, it's not really fair that he was so great, right? i mean, he was like that from the beginning. if he wasn't destined to become such an amazing person, then his face wouldn't be shining. so i can never be as great as moses, probably. if i, too, am destined to be great, then i would've been born with a face full of light, and i would've been a healthy preemie. right? am i missing something here?

griffinrider said...

hey, golda:

sweetpotatopie said...

it is very inconcivable that the topic of "what makes a hero" went to griffinrider asking golda what is wrog with her!!! this blog is crazy!! maybe it is because all the people writting on this blog is crazy!!!

griffinrider said...


sweetpotatopie said...

actually i have a craving for pickles, ice-cream, and a banana all in one. YUM!

griffinrider said...

stop it. you're making me hungry.