Monday, December 3, 2007

What Is Real?

How do we know what's real and what's not? After all, this entire blog can just be a figment of your imagination, right? So who says that this, or anything for that matter, really exists? And who says that certain aspects of fantasy don't exist?
Most people, besides for a select few who mostly reside in Never-Never Land, don't say that they believe in fairies. and other such mystical beings. But they still can exist! Just because they're not in this world doesn't mean they're not in any world, right? Are you following what I'm saying here? Your imagination, and your stories, are their own separate worlds. So dragons, unicorns, elves, etc. are real, very real. they just aren't a part of this world.
That's the beauty of writing fiction. you can create any world you want, and put in it anything you want. And just because you made it up, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It exists in it's own special way. If you created it, it's real, to you and to anyone who dares to try to believe.
Okay, so you probably won't find pixies or kelpies, or even aliens, the next time you look out your window, but all of those things, and the worlds in which they live, are just as real as you and me.
That being said, does anyone have an opinion on this, or any other, topic? No? Hmm. Am I just writing to myself, people?! Where are you? Am i the only one interested in writing? There's gotta be more of you out there. Come on, talk to me. I'm waiting. This is no fun by myself.
i guess i just inspired all of you to go write, right? That must be why nobody's responding. It's not because nobody's interested in this blog! Heaven forbid! It's simply that you're all too busy writing fiction. Okay, good. Have a great time! See ya when I see ya!


Golda said...

Real is a matter of perspective. One may think that something is fantasy, but another may feel that anything beyond one's imagination is real. It depends what you do to make something real.

griffinrider said...

True, golda. too true. "It depends on what you do to make something real". I like that. this is some deep stuff here. so golda, what you're saying is, someone might think that, say, unicorns are real, because they create them in their imagintaion. but others might think that the only things that can be considered "real" are things that can be seen in this world. so what about things that are intangible, such as love, fear, etc.? are those things "real"? Maybe they are all just figments of our imaginations. it could be, right? Maybe fear is just an illusion, something that we created. so who says fear really exists? it only exists because we believe it does, right? so does that work with other things, things that are known as "magical" or "fantasy"? if we believe them to be real, does that mean that they exist? or are other things in this world just as much an illusion as fantasy beings are?

Cewkee said...

You brought up to things that are very different.
Obviously, an emotion isn't tangible in a certain sense. But really it is. Take fear, for instance. Fear is written all over a person's face when one has fear. So, it is physical, so it's real. But then you can argue with me and say that love differs. But it is really similar. Love is easier to percieve through actions. This reminds me of something I once learnt. G-d is only visible through His actions. When something happens, escpecially miracles, G-d is clear to us. But he is not tangible or physical in any way. So too, emotions are only clear through actions.
Th second point that you brought was regarding objects totally created from one's wide imagination. Those aren't hings you could have contact with any of your five senses.
Hearing, touching,feeling,seeing, or smelling.
Now, I have a question for you.
Do you think the opposite.
Is seeing really believing?
Just because you see something, do you believe it's really there?

ImitationRandomFactor said...

wow, you guys are deep, real deep.
Real , in my opinion, is everything unreal and real within itself. Reality to an individual can be something so false that can be turned into something genuine. Anyone following me here?

dorkydoodle said...

everything that you want to make yourself believe can be real. besides that as cecero says in juluis caeser... that each man can enturpret things diffrently and each man has there own opponion. anyway i gotta go i hope now body misses me to much!!!!

sweetpotatopie said...

hey i am new around here! is this blog a figment of my imagenation or is it real? am i real? are you real? is the world false or truth? i am so confused. somebody please help me if this blog is real and somebody get's this!

griffinrider said...

hey, SPP-
if you're funcuzed, or confused, you might as well get used to it. there's a lot of funcusion going around on this blog. half the time, i don't know what on earth anybody's talking about, especiallly golda. (please don't tell her i said that.)

Case said...

This is what I ask everyday... I think I'm insane, but w/e.