Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quote of the Day




P.S. Please check out my latest comment on the previous post.


Rose Mary said...

that's exactly what I said during science class. we were watching the lion king and we got to the part where he said " you can't change the past." and i said (under my breath) "but you can change the future." my neighbor pointed out that theoretically the future hasn't happened yet so we can't change it, only create it.

wouldn't it be weird, though, if we couldn't? if we were doomed to always make the same decisions, whether they were good or bad? theoretically, even if we could use a time machine to go back and tell our past selves exactly the decisions to make, it might not change anything. theoretically our future selves would have told us the same thing therefore we would make the same decisions as before. does that make any sense? i can never explain it right. it's kind of depressing, though. so let's go with the first theory.

Rose Mary said...

wow... really long. I didn't mean to make it that long.

Zetsu said...

I do believe the truth can be quite frightening. Of course, I stand by what I said earlier. I would rather be afraid of what I know than ignorant of what I SHOULD know. you know?

MoonStarWithWings said...

I don't think I want to go back to yesterday. It's done, and what I've done is finished.
But if we don't like the past, changing the future is a good idea.

(I like this blog, it makes me think ^_^)


Cruz said...

So true.... unfortunately it's usually the bad/tragic/negative experiences that change us so much we can't go back to who we use to be. People change after they've gone through trials, tribulations and are tested to their core: its usually these kinds of things that have the greatest impact on your perspective of your life, and how you plan your future.


TwilightMafia said...

i really like that qoute it makes a lot of sense ^^ we can only shape our own future and do our best to get through one day at a time, changing as we go from our experiences and those around us.

Unknown said...

I've read that quote somewhere someplace. But then I forgot it.

I love that quote, because its so true. Everyday, your different. Whether a little detail or everything.

Maybe we cant change the past but we can change the future. Thats true. I like being able to change my future... whatever it is.

Cuppy said...

AMEN!!!! *takes a drink of apple juice to toast and accidently spills it* OOPS!!!! heheheh.

griffinrider said...

what you're all saying is true. so, we're gonna change our futures! how? what way? why?

and rose mary, why were you watching the lion king during science class?

Cruz said...

i don't think you can change your future because it hasn't happened yet, just your plans and perspective of the future can be changed. does that make sense?


TwilightMafia said...

i think that in a way the future shapes us... does that make sense? cause i don't know how to explain it.

c said...

Those are great quotes.

sorry i haven't commented yet. i just got back from a 2 day field trip with my grade in the wilderness. 40 kids with only 4 teachers. mwahaha
(summary on my blog)

Zetsu said...

yes, I know! i mean, some people feel that if they DON'T votwe for him, they're racist. but that's only the case when you call him a Black B*****d (I bleeped out the word 'cause I know you don't like cursing...). THAT would be the kids at my school who are so racist, I just want to slap them.

Rose Mary said...

we were watching the lion king because... I don't remember. It was last year. I do believe we were doing a unit on ecosystems and he just let us watch lion king cuz it was loosely related (the circle of life).

Cuppy said...

I wuves you!!!!!!! OH MI GOSHIES!!!

griffinrider said...

uh...thanks, cuppy. to what do i owe this sudden surge of affection?

twilightmafia, i think our past shapes us more than our future does. our past sometimes defines our personalities in a lot of ways, don't you think?

griffinrider said...

oh, by the way:
writing a novel is incredibly hard, but i found this web site that gives me some motivation to actually get my writing done. check it out:
November is National Novel Writing Month! yay! g'luck.

TwilightMafia said...

yeah our past shapes our personality and character, but i think what i meant is that what we want to be in our future shapes our future so it's like our future shaping our future, does that make sense? because it did in my head but...

griffinrider said...

sorta. do you think you can explain yourself a bit more clearly?

TwilightMafia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TwilightMafia said...

i think i meant that our future depends on the past but also depends on the future notions we might have about our future in college, jobs or really our life in general later or. so it's like what we want our future to be when we decide it or even when we want it. i think i just confused myself!

Alaina said...

isn't lewis carrol the guy who wrote alice in wonderland?