Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another little thing to ponder

Do we make the choices we make because of our personalities?
Or are our personalities defined by our choices?
That is, does what we do define who we are?
And if it doesn't, what does?


Cuppy said...

this is weird. I just wrote a essay on this exact subject. weird. i said that we have a core part of ourselves that gets enfolded in our choices. which means that as we gain experience our perception changes and allows us to make choices that aren't emotion based. so we might think "Oh, i so want to beat that kid up 'cause I'm just that angry" but we wouldn't because we can see, through our experiences, the logical way of doing things.

but that's just my take on it.

c said...

I guess both, kind of like a cycle.
*scratches head*
No, actually I guess I would say our choices sometimes are because of our personalities. Like, say a strict teacher who was unmarried and "uncaring" saw a lonely puppy in the middle of the road so he took it home and cared for it. He wouldn't just leave it there even though he did not care if he graded his students with a bad mark. I think 'personalities' aren't always what they seem to be. I don't know. lol my measly 6th grade mind is nothing compared to Cuppy's comment. I guess I will say neither. Our personalities can be defined by our intentions and choices. um... I don't know. I guess both and neither at the same time...? lol this is a really good question.

Cuppy said...

yeah, it's kind of a tick question, isn't it? 'cause how can you really know whether someone is going on instinct or acting with their head?

Beachbum said...

yea, that's a good question. but like so many of urs, i have no idea. and i'm sure there is no true answer. i love comming to ur blog to have something to think about when i have nothing else thoughtful in my mind. lol. ttyl.

Rose Mary said...

they both influence each other.

and ur in 6th grade? I thought u were older. and on ur proflie it says ur 14... confusifying.

MoonStarWithWings said...

Nothing defines who we are.
We just are.

Our personalities are affected by our choices, but there's a part of us that's always the same.
There's an underlying part that's who you are.
But really, you can change that.
It's hard, it might be wrong, but you can force yourself to change.

We are who we are.

Chee said...

HI! nothing much up over here atm - just the usual. btw, i like the "philosophical blog" thing. it's cool. and your post reminds me of the convoluted meditations in my mind...definitely something to ponder about.

Ember Waltz said...

i think that we make the choices we do, because of the person we are. the choices we make can't effect who we are as a person, other then if you do something stupid-have to life with it-and become a different person after that idiotic decision. well, i guess it could be a smart decision? w.e...ember's still right!!!!

Rose Mary said...

we never change as much as we think we do, yet we change more than we believe. sometimes I'll look back at something and I can't believe I would do that. others I'm surprised because I still would. if even we don't know who we are, how can anyone?

Avion said...

oh saw comment and kame to say hi back lol hI!!!!

griffinrider said...

we can never fully know who we are, because every time we're faced with a different situation, we will react differently. so am i defined by the choices i make? or are the choices i make dependent on "who i am"? that's really the question.

in the long run, does it really matter? not practically, no. but it's a big step to answering the big question that teens always find themselves asking: Who am I? what makes me different from everyone else?

Ember Waltz said...

hey...this is in response to your hi.

Darling. said...

Funny you say you love Drama.
I HATE it.

I have no clue about Christmas trees. But they rock.

Anonymous said...

You know, I still have yet to figure out what type of personality I have. I have made so many wrong choices that I know were wrong, but i have made good choices so....Would that mean that my personality is a good person who makes mistakes, or a bad person who sometimes does good? O/o I am now confusing myself so i will get some sleep and....ponder the question more. Keep up the good work.

Metaldragon(just to lazy to remember the password lol)

Rose Mary said...

"I asked the zebra,
Are you black with white strips?
Or white with black strips?
And the zebra asked me,
Are you good with bad habits?
Or are you bad with good habits?
Are you noisy with quiet times?
Or are you quiet with noisy times?
Are you happy with sad days?
Or are you sad with happy days?
Are you neat with some sloppy ways?
Or are you sloppy with some neat ways?
And on and on and on and on
And on and on he went.
I'll never ask a zebra
About stripes
Shel Silverstein, Zebra question

I <3 shel silverstein!

griffinrider said...

RM, that's so funny. right when i read metaldragon's comment, i thought of the poem, and was about to post it, but you beat me to it! shel shilverstein rocks!

metaldragon, i guess it's one of those questions you can't really answer. i, personally, believe that people aren't born bad or good. we're all born with POTENTIAL- the potential to do bad or to do good. everything depends on our choices.
so you know, i do think that choices define personality. but it's a hard call. i mean, they might just be intertwined, dependent on eachother, in a never-ending cycle.

Rose Mary said...

lol! sweet.

Cruz said...

You know griffinrider, one of these days my heads going to go "BOOM" from all the thinking you make me do, haha... I love your blog and I love shel silverstein, too.

Hoshi said...

Bliss is better than power...
But knowledge is better than ignorance.
So who knows?


wow, MoonStar, that's deeply awesome.

my answer- I'd rather have knowledge- it helps me defeat my enemies. But ignorance is just as good- you can still be ignorant and defeat you enemies. It just makes the task harder.

I think that what we do defines who we are in the eyes of others, and, directly, us, we just don't realize it. Out personalities detirmine out choices, yes, because of what we think is right and what we think should be different. Say, if you're a violent person, if someone insulted you, it would be more like i'm going to beat you up because you said that to me. now in the same situation if you were a person who only fought if necessary, you would just shrug it off or take it to heart, depending on what your personality is. so i agree with c- it's a cycle. we are all born with good and bad in us- it's up to our hearts to make the choice of what we know is right and what will benefit us. sadly, most often people choose the beneficial way of doing things, even if they are wrong. we don't like to be hurt ot threatened, and it's hardwired into our brains- survive, no matter what the cost. and that's just what we do.

I love coming to your blog. it's such... great input. both from you and your readers!

Hoshi said...

plus it's interesting to see what other people have to say.

Decemberflower said...

I'M BACK!! my little brother broke the compy but my other brother fixed it.

Hoshi said...

yay! your brother rocks!

Rose Mary said...

go him! he rocks!

"it helps me defeat my enemies" You do realize how seriously strange that sounds, right?

griffinrider said...

enemies? thank G-d, i don't have any enemies. i mean, i don't hate anyone. but i know people hate me. but that's just because i belong to a group of people that is often a target of prejudice. anywho, you do sound slightly sinister. is that all that knowledge is- a weapon?

MoonStarWithWings said...

Hey, thanks, Adeen!

Knowledge is a weapon, but mostly, its a tool.
And all tools can be used as weapons.

-hits someone over the head with a spanner-

Rose Mary said...

we definitely need weapons sometimes.
don't ask. u don't wanna know.