Sunday, November 16, 2008

Smart People

We are humans.
Well, at least i'm a human, and i'm assuming you are, too. but on this blog, you never know, so maybe i shouldn't generalize.
anywho, so humans have been around for a while, and we've learned how to do pretty incredible things. i mean, look around you! look at all this incredible technology we have!
We've acquired knowledge. we, well, we know how to do stuff. lots of stuff.
And what have we done with all of this information we have? Made the world a better place? made sure everyone was happy? eradicated crime? and poverty? and injustice?
yeah, right.
the single thing that we humans do best is kill eachother. it used to be, if you wanted to kill someone, you had to go over to him and run him through with a sword. no longer. we're not in the Dark Ages anymore! we're sophisticated now! civilized! we would never look a fellow human in the eye, then spear him. of course not! we wouldn't dream of it. that is savage behavior.
Now, all we have to do is press a button. we see a distant cloud of smoke on the horizon. we don't look a man in the eye, or see his body lying on the floor. we don't even hear a scream.
But we just wiped out an entire city.
Nowadays, we have the power to destroy our entire planet. we have the knowledge to crush continents.
it's kind of sad, don't you think? we have so much knowledge. there's so much we can be doing with it, and yet...this is where it brought us. to destruction. the poisoning of the planet and the genocide of the people. this is where all of our brilliant minds and incredible inventions and vast knowledge has brought us.
You know, instead of spending so many millions of dollars sending men to the moon and putting robots on mars, i think we should be a little more concerned with finding intelligent life on this planet.


☽ruby☾ said...

i totally agree. we are smart people but we, for some reason, chose to do harmful things when we could use our minds to help.

your last line made me laugh!

Cuppy said...

amen!!!! That is SO true!!!! what's WRONG with us? yeah, I'm voting you as president of the world. i so wish all the people in influential positions would think like you. imagin how much better the world would be?

I thik people should just talk rather than kill. i mean, everyone's the same when you get right down to it, so killing someone is like killing yourself. and imagine how much of yourself you kill in a war! It's disgusting!

I agree we need to start finding the intelligent people in the world rather than the most ambitious.

Darling. said...

Your probably right.

Cruz said...

soooooo true. we were just talking about this a few weeks ago on The Save the World blog about how so much money isn't allocated to the appropriate priorities. and I would so vote for you for Prez. Of course by the time we get you elected, lets hope our world leaders haven't left the world in complete ruins by the time were old enough to have a say. *keeps fingers crossed in hope*

MoonStarWithWings said...

I heard a quote about that recently...Basically the same as what you said about intelligent life.

Ahem, because I'm a big Max Ride geek, I'm going to quote her on this - all wars should be fought with swords. Just swords.
It'd save a lot of lives.

And yeah, I'm voting you as president of the world!

TwilightMafia said...

humans are the only people who kill like us. we are one of the most destrutive beings on this planet and yet we could do so much abd make the world a better place. to quote a paragraph from a book:
"Isn't man an amazing animal? He kills wildlife by the millions to protect his domestic animals and their feed. Then he kills domestic animals by the billions and eats them. This in turn kills man by the millions because eating all those animals leads to degenerate and fatal health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease and cancer. So then man tortures and kills millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases. Elsewhere millions of human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because the food they could have eaten is being used to fatten domestic animals. Meanwhile some people are dying of sad laughter at the absurdity of man who kills so easily and violently and once a year sends out cards praying for "Peace on Earth""
-C. David Coates
sorry it's so long it just really made me laugh.

Cuppy said...

oh mi goshies, twilightmafia. that's such a disgustingly true quote it makes me laugh until i barf. what twisted, humorous truth. horribly amazing.

griffinrider said...

the truth is funny sometimes, is't it?
this whole situation is so pathetic! but i can't think of anything i can do to stop it.

i'm flattered that you guys want me to be president, but i don't want to be. talk about a stressful job!

cuppy, yeah, in an ideal world, people would talk out problems instead of throwing bombs. but the thing is, what if you are fighting someone who refuses to compromise? what if you are in a conflict with a nation that doesn't want to talk? what if by trying to talk, you are just giving them more time to hurt innocent people? how can you compromise with someone who refuses to be satisfied? how can you talk peacfully with someone whose only desire is to kill you?
in that case, i think war is a necessary evil. it's a horrible thing, but sometimes, it is needed.

Rose Mary said...

people almost always think they're doing the right thing. no one wakes up in the morning and thinks 'I'm gonna be evil today!' they justify it in they're head. even when they know it's wrong they make up reasons why it's the right thing.

I really wish we could start using our supposed genius for something other than war.

TwilightMafia said...

maybe we could create a type of warfare that would not actually kill people. Far out there right? but a type of war that is not damaging to people or the world is wishful thinking. other animals seldom kill their own species and only kill others for food, but humans kill humans by the tousands in indescribally violent ways. talking it out, even if the other side don't listen, is better isn't it?

Rose Mary said...

no, animals do fight and kill each other. I'm not saying that justifies human behavior but it bugs me when people say they don't when they do. they fight over resources just like humans. in fact, I think when we're fighting we're usually just following our most primitive instincts. survive. eat. stuff like that. I'm not saying it's bad to have them, everyone odes, but I think a part of intelligence is being able to see past them.

griffinrider said...

true, rose mary. the whole point of being human is that we're supposed to rise above our animal instincts. regardless of what the scientists say, we are NOT animals, and we shouldn't act like animals.

Rose Mary said...

p.s. loved the opening.

TwilightMafia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TwilightMafia said...

rose mary, i'm not saying that we don't have the same instincts as animals and i know animals fight and kill but i was making the point that you don't see animals mugging each other for money or killing each other with guns. animals kill each other for survival. i suppose from another angle war is survival in the extreme but animals live by their instincts, as do we, but they need them to survive day to day, wheras we use them less frequently. i agree that intelligence is being able to see past those instincts and control them.

griffinrider said...

rose mary, what are you referring to? the fact that i first assumed everyone here was human, then thought better of it?

Rose Mary said...

yes. that part.

Rose Mary said...

i know, I know. i'm just saying that they don't always have a reason we can see that they fight or kill. sometimes it's just a leadership thing.

TwilightMafia said...

i can understand that then

ProlificMom said...

Very thought provoking. It reminds me that when I was a little girl in the 70's we had to do disaster drills at school to prepare in case of a nuclear attack. My children don't know what that is like. But then again, they have "lock down" drills to prepare in case their school is invaded by a person with a gun. Its all really very sad.

griffinrider said...

no kidding. this violence is sickening.
what makes someone think that he has the right to kill? why would someone believe that he has the right to take away someone else's life? it's sick.

Zetsu said...

"Bombing for peace is like f***ing for virginity" said a shirt.

"God created man, then had a better idea" said a button.

wise people make the truth funny.

but mankind is mankind. we always have been and we always will be. we love violence and inflict it upon each other. Mankind feels there must be killing and war and violence. it may -- no, it WILL never change. It's sad, but that was how we were created.

Rose Mary said...

the sad thing is, sometimes the only way to stop a war is to enter one.

why must the world be so full of sad truths?

TwilightMafia said...

literally transaleted homo sapiens sapiens means man, wise, wise. sad uh? we had to name ourselves wise twice to put ourselves above other concious beings on this planet when really we aren't all that smart when it comes to the ethics of our plantet

Rose Mary said...

if only... but the fact that we can all be sitting here talking about it. gives me hope. one thing that helps a little is to remember that overall human beings are wise, or at least not completely stupid. it's usually just a few who kind of give the others a bad name and discourage the ones like us.

Decemberflower said...

i love you, RM. you always know how to say things right. you too, GR. i missed you. and i love how you said humans ( i call 'em physicals) are NOT animals, they just have their insticts. i couldn't agree more.

"rose mary, what are you referring to? the fact that i first assumed everyone here was human, then thought better of it?" -GR

YAY! someone finally thought better of it! why? cuz everyone on this blog is not human! i'm not! i'm only half human!

Rose Mary said...

*hits jin over head* hypocrite. don't always get mad at me 4 telling people if you're gonna.

Chee said...

we're kind of an intelligent type of creature but i guess evolution didn't make us intelligent enough to stop ourselves from destroying the world.

i think the way things are being done can be like smoking - ie. long term suicide.

griffinrider said...

ok, so what have we learned? chall i sum it up?:
humans are incredibly smart.
Humans are patheticly violent.
Humans use their knowldege as a weapon to destroy other humans.
Humans also use their knowledge to fulfill their selfish greed, thereby poisoning the planet.
According to most opinions on this blog, there is little or no hope for change.

There has to be a better way.