Thursday, October 30, 2008

If you had to choose...

Ignorance is bliss. Knowledge is power. I wonder which is better?


griffinrider said...

i asked this question a while ago. the answers were very interesting. since there's a few new readers, i decided to ask it again.

☽ruby☾ said...

knowledge for me!

Decemberflower said...

haha! funny, i was actually here when you 1st asked that question. do you remember me GR? do you?

Decemberflower said...

man, i haven't been on here for sooooo long! (Do you remember me? sorry, had to ask once more).

Cuppy said...

i can't remeber what i decided on last time, but i know i've decided that both of them are wonderful, depending on the subject. you know, i'd prefer to be knowledgable in things like history and science and books and writing and things. But I'd much prefer to be ignorant on the subjects of crime and politics (I hate politics quite passionately. They just irk the heck outta me.)So, all in all, I'm pretty much undecided...except on the fact that this was most likely a totally pointless comment. :)

FallingUp said...

knowledge...I rahter be smart than cluless

c said...


DaRk AnGeL said...

hhmmm id have to go with knowledge,
if you know whats going on around you then you have the power to change and re-shape things

Rose Mary said...

last time you asked this question i said knowledge was definitely better. I still think that's usually true. but what if you knew something, but just enough that it would haunt you? what if you knew something would happen, but you only knew the horrible outcome and not how to stop it? wouldn't it be better then to be ignorant until it happened so you could live happily instead of trying to prevent something without knowing how it came about? I still say knowledge, but only if it's something you can use for the benefit of yourself and others. some things are better left in the dark.

Rose Mary said...

and how dare you not like politics?!

Unknown said...

I think Knowledge for somethings and Ignorance for other things.

Sometimes I'd rather be ignorant of things that are difficult for me to accept. But... no ones going to get anywhere with ignorance clouding their eyes.

So, basically. To me, its a trick question. :) But I try to answer. Haha.

Jaerixon said...

Sort of a silly question if you ask me,if you are ignorant and bliss you wouldn't know it, you are ignorant. But knowledge is not only power, it is also pain.

Beachbum said...

i went with ignorence last time and i'm sticking with it. sometimes it's better not to know of the evils in the world so you don't live ur life scared of them. if you have knowledge of everything you'll never be happy in my opinion. if you are ignorent you won't have anything to fear and you could live in complete happiness and bliss with no real cares in the world. it would be so much easier.

griffinrider said...

someone recently told me something about myself that was highly unpleasant, but 100% true. this person was trying to insult me, and it worked. you know why it hurt so much? because it was true. i had never realized it before, but it was. and nothing hurts more than the truth.
now i am trying to change, though it's not easy. but if that person never insulted me, i would've never known. of course, it hurt s lot, and it still does. but i wouldv'e gone on to be the jerk i was for the rest of my life, compltetely ignorant of one of my largest flaws.

of course i remember you, jin. you're the one who wanted me to run for president. where have you bee?!

Cuppy said...

hahahha. you run for president, Griffy, and I'll like politics. hahahaha. ;P

MoonStarWithWings said...

Bliss is better than power...
But knowledge is better than ignorance.
So who knows?


griffinrider said...

hey, moonstar! i'm so excited you commented!
and i know, i'm never gonna run for president.

Zetsu said...

^^ thanks!

I'm not so sure. I suppose I'd rather know than be ignorant. Even if it's bad, I always like to know.

griffinrider said...

vynn, why?

Erin said...

ignorance may be bliss, but it only leads into more darkness, and chance for progress is eliminated.
so i'd go with knowledge. As a bookworm and scholar, i LOVE to learn.

Cruz said...

I know most are picking knowledge, but there's a lot of things that I know and I rather I didn't. Maybe my opinion would change when I got older like with my career or if I had children, but for now I'd be happy with Ignorance.

mariposa said...

I'd have to go with knowledge :) Ignorance is bliss - but the truth's probably going to break through sometime.

Rose Mary said...

i say knowledge, overall. that way you can make improvements.

election day is today! why'd romney have to drop out? the other candidates are scary...
who are you voting for?

griffinrider said...

i am not old enough to vote. but i do have my opinions about this election, of course. perhaps i'll post something about that soon.

ok guys, most of us said knowledge is better than ignorance, right? so answer me this: why does it take us so long to accept the truth, even if it's staring us in the face? why do we have such a hard time accepting criticism? why do we conjur up illusions constantly? why does the truth hurt so much?
when given the chance to discover true knowledge, whhy do we so often reject it?
why do we lie to ourselves, and refuse to face facts?
what are we afraid of?

Rose Mary said...

knowledge is power but power can often be scary. and what about when the knowledge holds no power we can see, only sadness?

Cruz said...

i chose ignorance earlier and i'll stick with it
as for your last comment: it's because people SAY they want to know but in reality they don't want the truth

TwilightMafia said...

wow i have not been here for a while...i would definitely have knowledge then you could tackle problems head on instead knowing nothing about them or not even knowing about them...

griffinrider said...

cruz, i think you might be right. could it be that people say they want the truth, but when faced with the opportunity, they'd rather not know?

Monkey Kid said...

Knowledge is better