Saturday, October 25, 2008

Are You Blind?

People argue with eachother occasionally. We can't all agree on everything all the time, so sometimes we argue about our opinions. Perfectly reasonable, right?
But have you ever been in one of those arguments, when the other side is being so stubbornly stupid that you just want to shake him? slap some sense into him?
Well, i have been in that situation, in any case. I don't know about you.
A few days ago, my friends, who live in a different town than i do, were complaining that their town made a new law- soon, recycling would be mandatory.
"That's great!" i exclaimed. for years, i had wondered why that town never recycled, and i was thrilled to hear that they would finally begin. My city had been recycling ever since i could remember, and i love being a part of the effort to save our planet.
but these kids just don't get it.
"I don't have time to worry about these things," someone said.
i have several problems with this. i certainly hope you do, too.
OK, first of all, "time"? what time is involved here? is it really so time-consuming to put a piece of paper into a recycling bin? is it really so exhausting to throw a plastic bottle into a separate bag than the rest of the garbage?
they were complaining as if there was actual effort involved here.
what irked me most of all was that these people weren't only lazy. they really just didn't understand the big deal.
they couldn't visualize the mountains of garbage that we are running out of room for.
they didn't see the big deal if a few thousand species of animals were totally wiped off the planet.
they couldn't care less about the fact that where there was once vast forests, alive and green and full of beauty, there is now nothing but barren emptiness.
they didn't care about the streams that once ran down mountainsides, beautiful and life-giving to so many creatures, is now nothing but a polluted, mud-filled puddle that nothing could possibly survive in.

they couldn't visualize the future planet that their children will inherit- totally empty of beauty. so full of garbage that there's no room for growth. the ozone layer so depleted that it's impossible to walk outside without getting fried.


It's because of people like this that our planet is in such bad shape. people who just don't care.

Don't they have eyes?
Of course they do. the problem is, they simply never bothered to look around.


c said...

They don't realize how simple these things are. Just put in in the recycling bin. its basically the same thing you do if you were to throw it in the trash, just it goes and gets recycled. i always bye birthday cards from this one company that is from recycled paper.

this one boy at school goes, "I think voting is stupid. And so does my mom. Thats why she doesn't vote. And I won't ever either. 'Presidents' are a stupid thing.

I wanted to KILL him. Then you ************* freak go to Afghanistan and you can be controlled by Taliban or go to Cuba and not be able to leave. Why i ask you could someone be so blind. He is so lucky... so many people would do anything to be in his position, going to a private school, being allowed to walk outside with no Taliban people watching your every move. To have the liberty to decide who will lead you. Just ridiculous.
'Presidents are stupid'

Jaerixon said...

It makes me glad to see someone who understand the ignorance in today's society. But you must remember that ignorance is bliss, and knowledge is pain. Those poor simpletons are not being directly affected by those mountains of trash, or those failing rivers, so they don't care, and because they don't care, they are happy. However, people like you and me, who do understand the effects, feel the pain and the burden of the situation as we look at a world that is on the brink of destruction because of ignorance. It is the responsibility of those who understand to take action, and to lead the people and open their eyes. Global warming and deforestation are two big problems, but their are many others that we must fix, things that must be fixed quickly. Many people think these things are under control because everywhere they look things are being done. Again ignorance is bliss. Not nearly enough is being done. Yes awareness is being raised, but is action? We have very little action happening, and that is what is causing this disaster. So my advice to you? Take violent action to make these changes. Fix the world as best you can.

I also suggest you read my blog, I think your going to like it.

griffinrider said...

c, wow. i don't know if i ever heard a stupider argument in my entire life. so...this person hates democracy? i agree with you, let him go move to cuba for a while. i'm sure he'll appreciate democracy a lot more once he doesn't have it anymore.

jaerixon, i agree. not enough is being done. my school doesn't recycle, but i'm going to try to change that. problem is, if people just don't care, how can you get them to help out? if they couldn't care less about recycling, you can't exactly force them. how do i get people to care?

Bronte said...

wow, most deffinately true.
ive lived in costa rica and been in such simple poor living places and then come here and kids complain about their ipod not working or that they "dont have time to recycle"
it amazes me sometimes.
great post

Firenze said...

That is very true. People, I'm not insulting you, can't see past there own snouts! Are noses, in a humans case. Everyone has time to recycle. Thats like saying I don't have time to sleep, recycling only takes about five-to-ten minutes of your life, considering where you live. People probably spend more time sleeping than recycling.

Firenze, live with fire

Rose Mary said...

I wish I could recycle. it's so dang annoying but i can't find a recycling plant that's closer than a five hour drive! and we always use the dumb Styrofoam trays during lunch. get it through your head, folks, this stuff will not decompose! it's not that hard to use paper! grrr.
one thing, however. I think you're making the problem seem slightly bigger than it is. it's piling up in landfills and, yes this is a problem, but we cover the landfills and grow or build things over them. we have a problem with too much garbage but that doesn't mean the world will be without beauty.
yes, take responsibility, but don't blow the problem to hugely out of proportion. don't ignore it, but don't become too obsessed with it, either. keep things in perspective.

☽ruby☾ said...

im not the greenest person but i do recycle and its really annoying when people are like that. its really not that hard.

my friend is a nut about recycling(really funny). she went on this total rant about how important it is to recycle and gave the example of next generation not haveing an earth.
since i have always recycled always


Cruz said...

I know I'm always joking around, but the environment is actually a passion of mine. I think if everyone took a trip to visit a landfill firsthand, it would put the importance of recycling into perspective. Most people just don't care because it's like out of sight out of mind. They don't "see" the problem.


griffinrider said...

what all of you are saying is true, and very interesting.
RM, ok, maybe i'm exaggeratinga little bit. but at the rate we're going, it's not going to be an exaggeration for long. we've already destroyed so much of our planet, whose to say we're ever going to stop? about landfills, not all of them are taken care of properly. in fact, there have been cases when the landfills weren't properly sealed at the bottom, and poisonous chemicals leaked into the groundwater and contaminated it. and we wonder why there's such widespread cancer?!
face it, this is a huge problem, and unless EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US does our part, it is only going to get bigger.
remember, everyone, this is YOUR planet. YOU have the power, and the responsability, to save it. don't think it's not your problem. don't think that you won't make a difference, that you're just one person. we're all just one person, but together, we are EVERY person, and that makes all the difference in the world.

griffinrider said...

by the way, rose mary, who says you can't recycle? if you don't have a system in your town, why don't you consider asking the mayor or whoever to start one? form a committee, sign a petition, do whatever it takes, DO SOMETHING!

Cuppy said...

UGGHHH!!!! I can't believe that!!! how could they not...? What do they...? WHAT!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! arrgh!!! that really irks me! bleh!!!

griffinrider said...

cuppy, i completely understand.

Zetsu said...

I think when they say, "I don't have time." They mean they don't want to have to get into the swing of things. They'd rather things stay the way they are. They might not like change very much.

But I completely see your point. I, personally, don't recycle, because I'm not good at organizing... I tried to start up recycling once and... it got really messy. If I was better at keeping things the same, I would recycle. But my parents don't recycle, so it's hard to be almost the only one trying.

I'm not trying to make myself sound like the only good guy -- because I have certainly had my fill of littering where I shouldn't -- but I do wish man kind would try this more.

Rose Mary said...

that's what I'm trying to do, start a recycling thing of some kind.

griffinrider said...

way to go, rose mary! that's what i'm talking about. you're my hero. keep me posted on any progress, ok?

Rose Mary said...

well, whether or not we ever get past the planning stage is questionable. the girl who always keeps us from getting distracted is at play practice 24/7 and the rest of us are "airheads chasing butterflies". It might not ever happen...