Saturday, October 18, 2008

How do I know...

...that I am not living a lie?
...that I am who I want to be?
...that what I'm doing is right?
...who I can trust?
...where to go?
...that I am not a faker?
...if I love him?
...that my tears will ever stop?
...that I make a difference?
...that you care?
...if I am making the right choices?
...whether I am lost, or if I'm on the right track and just don't know it?
...that you are not lying to me?
...that I am not lying to myself?
...if you can help me?
...when to go, and when to stop?
...what I'm supposed to be doing?
...that I am not alone?


Unknown said...

Who knows. Nothing is forever sure.

I've asked myself those questions, and bunch more. i never come to a conclusion. I guess its just how it is... Who knows?

Cruz said...

If you figure that out, let me know.
I like it.

c said...

I don't know to be honest.

How do I know that I'm not just the only thing ever and the universe, planets, animals, people, plants aren't real and just in my imagination? i don't.

What if I'm really not born yet and my whole life so far has been far from the truth and i am dreaming in my mother's womb or something?
Yeah I know i just wrote weird questions but its still sort of the same as yours.

PS. Yes! You were in my dream!! I don't really remember how you looked though. You, cuppy, levi, rien, dibsy, ada potata. It was weird. You guys just showed up at my house. lol.
Yeah, Legally Blonde is kind of a stupid girly movie. But I REALLY REALLY want to see the broadway show!! Because the girl who is elle is amazing!!
And since its closing she's going to be at a theater in NJ doing High School Musical. Yeah I don't really want to see that. lol

griffinrider said...

hey c: i've asked myself things along those lines, too. like, what if this is all just some crazy, super-realistic dream?
i guess we can't spend all our time just sitting and thinking those types of questions, cuz we can never really know the answers, so we can just sit and think forever and waste our whole lives on it, when it doesn't really matter anyway.

griffinrider said...

oh, and i'm honored to have been in your dream.

Rose Mary said...

that is awesome.

Zetsu said...

you don't. you just have to assume you, yourself, know.

griffinrider said...

oh, vynn. it sounds so simple when you say it like that.

c said...

What is forever is another one.

But you're right! We can't just waste time thinking of questions that will never be answered!

Cuppy said...

hmmm. good questions. You really can't know who you are, though, 'cause we're constantly changing and we never really know how we would react to something until it happens and even then, if it was to happen again we might act differently because of something else that may have happened to us or because of it happening the first time. There's a lot of things that can change person, after all.

Cruz said...

What if u did know the answers, the right path to take, then ur life would lack excitement of the unknown so u chose the wrong path BECAUSE it was unknown. I'd rather not know and just learn from my experience or the experiences of others, to make the best decisions for me.

Levi said...

I don't think anybody knows those answer. We just have to go by what we FEEL, not what we KNOW; just hope that it's the right thing.

I like to think that no matter how everything ends, I'll be happy. Even if that means I'll never have a single answer. I enjoyed the ride, and that's what counts.

Sometimes I feel like we're nothing. We just go and disappear to where we came from or to some place new. Eventually all evidence that we even existed would fade. But I sort of like it. I got to LIVE, and that by itself was cool. I got to think. To feel. To be.

So don't worry about the answers. Just have fun.

Bronte said...

you dont know and thats the big question right?
but thats the beauty

good posts!
hope everything is going okay :)

griffinrider said...

i agree with you guys. we can't know ourselves completely, cuz we're always going to be put in new situations.
but levi, i don't agree with everything you said. especially the last part. "Just have fun". have fun? that's it? are you implying that we shouldn't even TRY to answer our questions? that the whole point of living is just having a good time? i dunno. it sounds like a whole lot of emptiness to me. i can't just live my life to have fun. it has to have some sort of meaning.

Levi said...

Enjoy it, is what I'm saying. I find that if you keep looking for answers, that takes all meaning out of life. Have fun, let the answers come to you sorta thing.

And I'm not saying having fun is the point to life, no.

Also, I'm more happy without answers. I guess you're not like that.

Basically my plan is to have no plan. I have nothing planned for the future, except for what I wanna do. I'll just enjoy what I can, learn, grow, and live my story. When my story's over, I just hope that it was a good one. One that will hopefully be told to at least one person.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think life is a question, and we're the answer.

If that makes sense?

Actually, I'm really not sure where I'm going with this. I never know where I'm going.

Oh well.

griffinrider said...

i hear that, levi. still, i'm the type of person that questions everything. i never just do anything- i wonder why i do it. i try to figure things out. i know some questions are just pointless, but sometimes, i just have to KNOW, you know?

FallingUp said...

Good question

Rose Mary said...


hehe, sorry couldn't resist. that's from hitchhiker's guide, fyi. the question was 'what is the meaning of life?' and the answer was '42'. sorry, random.

Cruz said...


I got that! And I didn't need the movie reference! LOL!

mariposa said...

Awesome questions! I wish I knew all the answers - but perhaps that's the whole goal: to "try" to know them :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I just feel like this is all a dream and I'm going to wake up soon. I often think about these things at night or when I'm bored.