Thursday, October 2, 2008


what is magic?
is it the witches in fairy tales, dancing and chanting while adding newt tongues to their cauldrons?
is it wizards who wave wands and wear pointy hats?
is it little pixies and elves that are only found in children's stories and cheesy movies?

or is magic more that you hear in the distance. you can't tell where it's coming from, and no one else can hear it.
or when you see something out of the corner of your eye that you can't quite explain.

or is magic something more along the lines of...rain. the way it feels when it falls on your face. the smell of the ground just after a storm. fresh and cool and new.
a child just born, with her tiny fist curled around your finger. the fact that the child was born at all.
the way the ocean is constantly moving. never resting, always changing.
children's laughter as they play, carefree.
the way a tiny seed can grow into a towering tree.
the way winter slowly fades away, and grass peeks out from the muddy snow, and flowers suddenly appear. spring.
the feeling of someone's breath against your cheek, when he whispers, "I love you forever."

Is magic just fantasy? stuff of legend?
or is it very, very real?

Is magic all things beautiful?

what is it?


Unknown said...

I think magic as anything unexplainable. That feeling you get when you laugh, the stars in the dark black sky, The way everything goes. Its just oh so magical. Its as real as you and me, or a fantasy. It doesn't really matter, it just exists.


lone poet said...

wow, that was great, i wonder, maybe magic is all of those things? idk....

and thanks i'm good now :P

Darling. said...

Wow. Lovely post.

About your comments.
Thanks for saying I'm really talented. That means a lot.

As for the Space comment, yes, gazing at the stars is part of it (I to live in a big polluted city, so I hardly ever see them) But, it's more than that. It's just the universe. Learning about Space just facinates me. Everything space. The galaxies, the planets, the stars... I can't get enough of it.

Thanks for commenting. Nice blog.

. said...

For your question, I am homeschooled, because, uh, I don't know why really.

I have been for ever, and it gives much more time to spend on my sports and such.

Anyways, thanks for comeing to my blog!

Laters, Katie

Alannah said...

Awesome post :) And its all of them depending on the definition, but I feel the best one is sort of (not to sound overly cheesy but still failing at it) the miracle of life. Everything simply existing the way it is now is a sort of magic of chance. One small change in history, or to our earth or out environment or any of the other details that effect us and we wouldn't be who we are or maybe even exist.
Lol, I'm not sure that made any sense.

Cuppy said...

magic is what you think it is. it really all depends on the person as to what magic is. For me, i think everything is magic....including magic :P

PhilO♥ said...

Just came across your blog!
IT's really nice...
...well...Magic is weired....but i'd be more than pleased to have it! :)

griffinrider said...

r. rocker and alannah, i really like the way you described it. so, magic is really anything, depending on your perspective? that sounds like the definition of beauty. so are beauty and magic the same thing?

Metaldragon said...

I haven't left any comments yet, but yes for the most part I have just been reading. Excellent job BTW.

griffinrider said...

thanks, metal dragon! i really appreciate that. and your picture looks familiar...

Unknown said...

Haha, I think so.

Maigc makes many beautiful things. All so beautiful and yet so magical. So yea, I guess beauty and magic can be the same thing, it depends on what your describing and from what view.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comment on my blog. I always get a big smile on my face when I have a new reader =D

I loved your post. I've always been interested in fairy tales, but also in the everyday magic of life. that everything beautiful is something magical.


Kileigh said...

Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments on my blogs!
I appreciate it much :)

Your blog seems quite interesting and unique also. I love magic! It's so much fun :)

Rose Mary said...

I've always been fascinated with mythological things. I love fantasy and books as much as almost anything. I believe that magic is a very real thing. the thing is, when you say this, people think you're just strange and insane. they don't realize that you could be talking about the everyday magic that's in everything. the magic that can make the ugly gray pebble beautiful to a young child or that can transform a tree into a palace. maybe i am insane. maybe you have to read to much fantasy about fantastic magics to see the little magics that are everywhere. maybe being 'normal' means you can't understand these things. if that's true I never ever ever want to become normal. I'd rather live my life as a freak who can see miracles than as someone normal who thinks it only exists in books.

wow, that got kind of more passionate freak out than i was expecting. Great post, btw. very eloquent. Almost poetic, if you know what i mean. where you trying to make it a poem? I also love how true it was.

Rose Mary said...

gah! really long! i did not mean it to be that long! whatev. it's all true (in my opinion) and I'm leaving it up.

~Silver said...

beautifully put. Your Poem flowed really well. :) Magic, can be anything. I like to think the little blessings on this earth, are the best type of magic.

Anonymous said...

I believe in magic 100%. I think it's the little things like you said, like a "red red rose that's newly sprung in june" or something even simpler like a hug when you feel down.

c said...

great post. magic is unpredictable and unexplainable like rebellious rocker said. I love your blog!!

griffinrider said...

wandering child, is it also like "a melody that sweetly plays in tune"? i probably quoted it wrong. don't really remember that poem too well.
so, do we agree, then, that magic is beauty? magic is the ability to turn ordinary things into beautiful things.
hey, maybe that's just it- magic is transformation. the ability to change things from ordinary into beautiful and meaningful, or into somethng dark and mysterious and terrifying. what do you guess think?

Anonymous said...

Well . . . it's not SUPPOSED to be a pleasant story. Glad you're looking forward to reading it, though.

mariposa said...

Wow. I just love the way you write - it's amazing :) Btw, thanks for the comment! Hmm, I'm not sure how to explain magic. I wouldn't say it's everything beautiful though. I'd say that would describe love more than magic. But then, maybe some would say love is magic.

Metaldragon said...

Lol yes the pic. does look familiar, when i started my blog it was one of the only decent pictures of a dragon that i liked. Did you do the original artwork?
Anyway g2g soon i am on the road and using my dad's laptop, it is getting annoying not being able to see that well...
btw i am savoring the last few min. of my birthday lol, then back to the logan can you get this done? and the Logan can you finish your school work already! (yes i am aware that the last part was random) I guess that happens when you get tired! Lol ttyl...again...

PhilO♥ said...

heya thxs for your comment! r STUPID n women are EVIL !'s balanced!! Keep Blogging !! :)

Zetsu said...

I think magic would be almost anything enchanting. simple as that.

Bronte said...

thats beautiful, magic is beautiful,
so simple..,
but so not...
wow great blog

Lachlann said...

Magic does not exist if you dont beliven it by heart...

Well... thats one thing I heard a while ago I guess...

The Rebellion,

griffinrider said...

thanks for the compliments, mariposa and bronte. so, basically, everybody has a different view of what magic is, and nobody really can answer the question, right?

Rose Mary said...

everyone can answer the question, GR. We all just have different answers.

griffinrider said...

good point.

☽ruby☾ said...

wow good post. i really liked it. is it ok if i print this out and put it in my locker????


Tyshiro Tyde said...

Magic is everything, dead or alive, like the way something happens and you dont know how or why, the way people think of seeing things that people call them crazy for.... Magic is everything...

we'll fight til the end
tyu tide

Metaldragon said...

Magic is, whatever you want it to be! For some it is fairy tales, mythical creatures etc. For others it is the essence of life, for others it could be when they had their first kiss. It really depends on a persons point of view! The free dictionary says magic is

The art that purports to control or forecast natural events, effects, or forces by invoking the supernatural.
a. The practice of using charms, spells, or rituals to attempt to produce supernatural effects or control events in nature.
b. The charms, spells, and rituals so used.
3. The exercise of sleight of hand or conjuring for entertainment.
4. A mysterious quality of enchantment: "For me the names of those men breathed the magic of the past" Max Beerbohm.
1. Of, relating to, or invoking the supernatural: "stubborn unlaid ghost/That breaks his magic chains at curfew time" John Milton.
2. Possessing distinctive qualities that produce unaccountable or baffling effects.
tr.v. mag·icked, mag·ick·ing, mag·ics
To produce or make by or as if by magic.