Monday, April 7, 2008

this planet

to continue from yesterday's post, i was given this great article. i think it was originally an email. here we go:

if we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like this. there would be:
57 Asians.
21 Europeans.
14 from the western hemisphere, both north and south.
8 Africans.

52 would be female, 48 would be male.
70 would be non-white, 30 would be white.
70 would be non-christian, 30 would be christian.

6 people would posses 59% of the entire world's wealth, and all 6 would be from the United States.
80 would live in substandard housing.
70 would be unable to read.
50 would suffer from malnutrition.
1 would be near death; one would be near birth.
1 would have a college education.
1 would own a computer.

the following is also something to ponder:
if you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

if you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

if you can attend a religious gathering without fear of harassment, torture, arrest, or death, you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world.

if you have food in the fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head, and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world.

if you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

if you can read this message, then you are more blessed than over 2 billion people in the world who cannot read at all.


Mella said...

Fool. Miss.

How can you not love the Cullens?

Anonymous said...

facinating. all I have to say for now. And I seriosly thought you were a dude. Just from how you talk and...stuff. you just sounded like a guy. Oh, and I responded to you and beachbum on the change thing. Check it out if you want to. If not, then don't. :) There's my quote for the day. :P
;) The Mii Maker ;)

griffinrider said...

mella-marie, my foot still hurts! that's the last time i'm listening to your advice.

hi, mii! why'd you think i was a guy? do i sound manly? well, that's no surprise, i guess. though i'm not a boy, i am not girly in any way, shape, or form. as my good friend once told me; "if you were any less a girl, you'd be a boy."

Beachbum said...

wow griffin,
you have some odd friends! lol. and that post is cool. and eye opening. bye.
oh how i love
things that make you go hmmm...

violet said...

that really made me think about how lucky i am. i complain about what i have, but i really have a lot.
i made a new blog. will you come see it?

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is very surprising to me. I never knew that so many people didn't have or have access to those things. Incredible. It's very sad though. Our world can be very cruel, yet very kind at times. Such a strange, strange place we live in.


May said...

wow... thats...I don't know what to say.

turnabout said...

Wow. Interesting. And a little on the depressing side. But again, interesting.
I'm more of a ponder'er in that I generally don't connect with what I'm pondering which is why I find this more interesting then sad. However, I do find that sad in that it's stupid how ignorant people are when they aren't directly effected by someone else's misfortune.

and alright i gotta admit i find it endlessly amusing that mii maker thought you were a guy :D

Beachbum said...

this is very off topic from your post, but every time i come to your site i think of this. my mom and i used to live in chicago and would go see this all the time. i am going to give you a website of colleen moore's fairy castle. the picture on the top right of your screen looks strangely like it was taken there. check it out for yourself and tell me what you think.

isn't it cool?!

~Silver said...

I'm going to make this comment for the last 3 posts because I'm tired and want to go to bed. I try everyday to be grateful and sometimes even the little things like getting a hat bath or a bed to lie down in remind me how lucky I am. And here are some of my favorite quotes.

There is nothig either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. -William shakespeare

The essence of intelligence is extracting meaning from everyday life -unknown

Women are like teabags, you don't know how strong they are until they're in hot water -Eleanor Roosevelt

scientia est potentia = knowledge is power.

those are but a few. I even thought you were a guy for some reason. I reaally like the fact that your blog seems gender nuetral and your posts makes us think a little more than the usual shallow everyday concerns. Good Night and Good Luck.

griffinrider said...

why did everyone think i was a guy? do i sound manly? do you think of me differently now that you know my gender?

everyone, i know this post was a bit depressing, but i hope it was eye-opening as well. so how about we do something about it? charity, for instance? who's with me? every time i make money, i always set a side a little bit for charity. it doesn't feel right, keeping all my money to myself when i know there are people out there who need it so much more than i do.

silver vara, i love those quotes! and i think it's amazing how you can feel grateful like that. most people struggle with feeling and expressing gratitude, myself included. i'm so happy that i can learn from you. thank you.
and thanks for the compliments, too. they mean a lot. i'm trying not to make this one of those typical, shallow blogs, because drankly, i'm sick of them.

griffinrider said...

oops. i meant "frankly" not "drankly". why do i keep doing that?!

Monkey Kid said...

Wow i didnt know all of that. And ur a girl?!

Steven said...

I know this is supposed to like make me appreciate how lucky I have it and stuff.. but didn't work... you know why.


griffinrider said...

that's old news, monkey kid.

cute, nat. but you get the general idea, right? can you seriously think of nobody who has it worse than you?

Cuppy said...

wow. For some reason the bigger the numbers the less it seems to matter. Then you put it in little teeny weeny stats like that and it's absolutely shocking. Holy cow.

Ees anano retal

Alannah said...

That really does put things into perspective about how fortunate most of us are and how a lot of us take it for granted. Most people don't even realize or think about that there are people out there who can't even read or have enough money to buy food.

Beachbum said...

scary, i thought i would make note of this. when i clicked on your comment to go to your profile and then your blog, the number of profile views was 666. freaky. lol. i'm sure it was nothing, hopefully.

Steven said...

Sorry, griffin. I can't think of anyone who actually has it worse than I do... I'm sorry...


griffinrider said...

nat, i simply don't believe you.

Steven said...

Hmm... ooh! Thought of one!

People in Africa and India.

-Gemz- said...

that was fascinating and eye opening.
and i dont know why the counter isnt working, unless you have got it to work.

Monkey Kid said...

Think of more nat cuz everyone knows that pple in africa and india have it way worse than we do

Zetsu said...

haha, I tend to creep people out, yes... but that's kind of funny, because someone told me that it wasn't as depressing as some others!

Sammy said...

I like this.
It's quite fascinating.

akared said...

this is sad...i new about the suffering in the worls but when it is put in these terms, they seem worse than i realized. :(

akared said...

oh and this is random but you really have to read twilight. I was reading some of your comments from you last post and saw that you didn't want to read it because it was girly. I hate girly books, i'm more of an adventure girl.

However before twilight i hated reading, and since reading it i read all the time. This is sounding pretty lame but i'm so glad i read it because it opened my eyes to reading and now i can't imagine my life without reading.

once you start reading you can't stop and you get a little addicted to it :)

Mella said...


I agree completely.

-Gemz- said...

RE: maximum ride

i think your wrong no offence or anything, but i quite like the second one. i dont know why but i think its one of the best.

gemzx x

BassRunner14 said...

Ha! I was right about your gender all along!!!!

griffinrider said...

congrats, bassrunner. you're the only one who guessed correctly.

ralph said...

wow...i think that says it all

Abi said...

wow that is so convicting

i mean here we are complaining that we dont have the newest ipod or the coolest phone and there are CHILDREN in africa who are going with out food and water just to keep their little sister alive one more day

what do we americans have to say for ourselves???? i mean im not saying that im not like this but im not saying that i am. true i have a cell phone but besisdes the comp thats about it.
i just gave up my 16 birthday party so that i could give $120 to a missions fund my church raises money for every year this thing called speed the light is funded only by the youth of america

we are the ones with the money! were the ones spending hundresds of dollars a week at starbucks

i dont know where to find this but i saw it a church
the average amount of money TEENAGERS spend on junk food and entertainment was like 16 BILLION a year

the ammount out money teenagers spend on electronics

after all of that we teenagers asked our parents fot
6billion more!!

we have all the money we could turn our world around!!

but when people ask we say
"sorry pastor i dont have any money i get minimum wage at my job and i have to pay for gas..." bla bla bla

big deal