Wednesday, February 27, 2008

what category do i fall under?

you know, humans are kind of funny. we do a lot of strange things. (i'm assuming that everyone who's reading this is human, though perhaps i shouldn't.) one of the strangest things we do is cast illusions.
and no, i'm not talking about pull-a-bunny-out-of-a-hat illusions. i mean we make ourselves think that certain things exist, even though they don't.
for instance, humans like to categorize everything. and by everything, i mean people.
in many minds, all people fall under certain categories. he is cool. she's a nerd. he is emo. she is a genius. he is an idiot. she is bad. he is good.
do these really exist? or did society just make them up?
i don't think that one word is adequate enough to describe anybody. people are so incredibly complex that it is impossible to completely describe someone with an entire book, let alone a single word. so why do we constantly do it?
why do we look at someone and immediately think, "that kid's a geek," or "that kid is cool"? what does it mean? and why do we feel the need to do this?
and what happens if someone doesn't fit any of the categories? is there a special "miscellaneous" label for him?
are all of us doomed to fit under a label? to be categorised like we're objects and not people?
and is labeling necessarily a bad thing?
what's up with it?


ImitationRandomFactor said...

ppl think "she's a geek" b/c she's wearing frilly purple collars and neon green bows. reminds me of a wonderful character that i loved from my childhood.

Anonymous said...

i think u fall under the category of smart, interesting, and of course, endlessly entertaining.

griffinrider said...

uh...thanks, i guess. was that a compliment?

Anonymous said...

ur cool, shimperstienish, and carpediemish!

griffinrider said...

well, in that case, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

dorkydoodle said...

well people are categoriezed in diffrent categories for diffrent people. you might be leave that your amigos y amigas are super duperly cool and thing you are in the coolest category but joe shmoe might think you are in the nerdy, unkempt, and loser category. so basically everything in life will come to the ending of how people persive things. for example golda things she is the best while griffinrider thinks she is annoying. but don't get me wrong you can over lap with someone elses thoughts on what category you fit under.

griffinrider said...

so, is this a good thing? categorizing people, i mean.

griffinrider said...

imitation random factor:
i love your profile!

xny94x said...

what about...Sesquipedalian....and no, i think that it's a bad thing. people are unique...just like everyone else (oxymoron)...

BassRunner14 said...

Imatation's a girl, I guess. Again I have no clue...

Rain said...

everyone go now to and tell me if you think this could be for real. because i so want it to be. and because if it's real, they've been to my HOMETOWN!!! and so I'm freaking out. aaaaaahhh. wing people. EXCITING.

Rain said...

...and part of their username is the same as mine. which is why i read it in the first place. HOW DOES THAT WORK??? and here i thought daydreamajo was so creative and original. oh well.

dorkydoodle said...

daydream calm your livers!!!

griffinrider said...

ha! good oxymoron! how do you like these?:
fresh frozen
civil war
family vacation
pretty ugly
good grief

griffinrider said...

and imitation is DEFINITELY a boy!

ImitationRandomFactor said...

everybody give a final guess.

shmozywannabe said...

greetings comrades,
its me again. this time i've decided to remain with my normal name. but dont get me wrong, i really am a doctior. now heres a question for all of u- what category do i fall under?

RoseM said...

All peoples mind work defrently. So, everone has deferent categorys. Its the way are brane worcks. Even if you dont know it you you do it. Yes I thint its can be a good thing, but it can be a bad thing too.(sorry about spelling)

griffinrider said...

rosestar, can you please be a bit more specific? in what ways is it good? in what ways is it bad?

~Silver said...

In my view, categorizing along with illusions is (well seems to be) neccesary for us to understand. I think it is just one of our many ways of creating order in a world of chaos. Though it can be harmful it usually tends to be helpful. It replaces the everyday question mark with a name, a meaning, something we can understand. And though true we cannot truely define a person (due to the sheer fact that noone ever knows everything about any one person, even the person them self) (I hope that made sense.) we don't actually try to we just try to give their most common behavior a name and place in our mind. As for whether they truly exist or whether we created them, well;
we created human language correct? Then we the society, created them, the illusions, labels, etcetc. And no, we don't all fall under the categories. Sometimes we are considered (to some not all people) enigma's. People then create a different categories for you. For instance, when someone says,Jo is Jo. They most likely don't see any known category close enough to define the person. I hope that answered your questions. These are just my own observations and theories. Hope They helped.L8r and Good Luck.