Tuesday, February 5, 2008

i did not lose my marbles!

they have been misplaced.
i always think that sounds better. "i've lost my marbles" makes it sound like it's my fault . and it's not! at least, I don't think it's my fault. can i help it if a few people find me a little... odd?
you know, i don't think i'm that strange. it's just that i somehow got a reputation for weirdness, so everything i do is automatically considered abnormal. take the following example:
one day, my friend came to school with a small cut on her cheek. she informed us that she had accidentaly given herself a papercut on the cheek. there were a few snickers, but other than that, nobody seemed to take notice. now, i once unintentionally gave myself a papercut on my ear. all of a sudden, it was the weirdest thing in the world. "only you would manage that," my friends said constantly. why is that? in my opinion, papercutting your cheek is just as weird as papercutting your ear. so why was my situation so much more laughable than my friend's? because people expect me to be the "strange one".
hey, i'm not complaining. it makes life a little more entertaining.
today, another situation occured which demonstrates my point. in spanish class, we had to write an essay, pretending we were stranded on an island and were asking for help. we had to describe ourselves, but not write our names. then the essays were read out loud, and we had to guess who wrote each one.
i wanted to make my essay a bit more interesting, so i added at the end that the island was inhabited by cannibals who wished to eat me. for some reason, practically the entire class guessed that this was my essay, because, they said, "who else would write about cannibals?" well, i don't know, but probably a lot of people. so why did they automatically assume it was me?
you know, i like being the strange one. being unique. i'm not complaining or anything, i'm just wondering why everything is strange just as long as i'm doing it. how did this whole weird reputation begin? i do wonder.
oh...and if you see some marbles lying around, do you think you can contact me? they're probably mine.


shmozywannabe said...

On a feasible level, the only way I can explin your situation is by scrutinizing it extremly closely. From your symptoms, it is evident that you are suffering from a newly discovered condition by the name of ODD. Not ADD, but ODD. This cannot be diagnosed by a trained professional, yet merely someone that is familiar and recognizes the rare signs.
The symptoms consist of primarily the following: temptations for an orange colored soda, the like of unusual books, hysterically crying by the film Finding Nemo, sweaty palms after it is ascertained that fat-free milk was consumed, and lastly, having nightly dreams pertaining to tooth decay.
As a higly skilled virtuso in this area, I highly recommend that you attempt to obliterate these symptoms, which inevitably will lead you to your recovering.
Such examples are the following: do not purchase orange carbonated water that contains much unnecsary soda, and if you see it at a social gathering, break eye contact with every being and leav IMMEADIATELY!
next, prohibit yourself from watching finding Nemo.
Next, do daily exercises in the mid-ca;f area to prevent the sweaty palms (which is due to particular reasons stated above)
next, consult with your dentist which toothpaste is best for you, and this will assit you in your apprehensive feelings regarding tooth decay.
I wish you much succes in all your future endeavors, and a complete recovery from the condition of ODD.

griffinrider said...

wow. thank you! that really clears things up. except, i don't have all of the symptoms for ODD. in fact, i only have the first one. do you think i still have the disorder?

Anonymous said...

Te law of Disreversion states that if a aptient contains even one of the syptoms for a condition, she/he still suffers from that condition, but to a lesser extreme. Thus, unfortunately, you do suffer from this condition, but much less in comparison to others.
Those that are suffering to a large extent do cry hysterically when watching Finding Nemo.
If you know anyone that performs this symptom in public, my best advice to you, is to place a cold papertowel on his/her forehead and command him/her to inhale deepl seven times. that should most defintiely do the trick. If to no avail, go a step further by having the patient drink 10 mL of alkaseltzer. If you fail again, I recommend consulting a skilled brain surgeon as soon as possible.

Anonymous said...

I am jubilant that you came to the recognition, griffinrider, that you are queer, eccentric, odd, pecuilar, and extremely out of the ordinary. Yasher Koach to the one who made you aware of that important fact!

Anonymous said...

In case you need me to prescribe medication, contact me at my home phone number. You'll easily find me in the phone book, all right?

griffinrider said...

thank you for your diagnosis, doctor! i never would've known i had ODD if it weren't for your insightful insights.

violet said...


dorkydoodle said...

well well well.. when that one kid cut her cheek i was laghing and i still remind her about it till this day but i laughed harder at you cause i don't remind you about that because you did far more interesting things... and if you ask me what i will tell you of an individual that kissed a frog twice to see if it would change into a prince, but then i told her is that possible if your not a princess anywya i think you get the piont!!!

griffinrider said... have to be a princess in order for your kissing to turn a frog into a prince? that's not fair! why didn't anyone tell me that BEFORE i kissed the frog?! i thought the kid in the fairy tale just happened to be a princess, i didn't know it was mandatory!

Anonymous said...

It is extremely crucial for every being to recieve the vaccine for ODD. Please cooperate with me although yuo amy feel it will adversly be affecting your health. I know whats best for you.

dorkydoodle said...

dr. shmozellet, what ever your name is, boy you must be a genuious to have created such a plague and have a vacacne!! can i go near people taht have ODD? Anyway griffinrider of course you have to be a princess!!

griffinrider said...

That's not fair! princesses already have a billion princes to choose from- it's not right that they get to turn frogs into princes too. how about a little equality?!?!?!

frankenstine said...

excuse me !!!!!! what's wrong with getting a paper cut on your cheek? it's still not as weird as getting a paper cut on your ear.
don't worry griffinrider we still love u.

griffinrider said...

thanks. i feel so special.

dorkydoodle said...

franky long time no speak!! Anyway griffinrider there is equality in that only princesses can turn frogs into princes! usually princesses have to stay cooped up in the castle all day and i am sure they wish to be regular and don't want to have big balls to find the right one for them and get pressured that way. do you agree?

griffinrider said... call pwrforming an affectionate gesture towards an amphibian and causing it to metamorphosize into a young man of royal blood NORMAL?! wow. i'd love to hear what you find abnormal!

griffinrider said...
