Monday, February 18, 2008


what is magic?
good question, isn't it?
is magic just a bunch of people in funny pointed hats who recited rhyming spells and cook potions of newt eyes and frog tongues?
or is it something much, much deeper? something that's lurking somewhere in the darkest corners of your soul? something that grows with you, changes you?
in my opinion, you don't have to be harry potter to see magic. it's everywhere. the way the sky glows on fire at sunset, that's magical. the smell of rain after a storm, when everything is wet and cool and clean and fresh. that's magical.
magic, i think, is something incredibly beautiful. it's a sensation that you can't quite explain. it's bright and gorgeous, but at the same time dark and mysterious. and sometimes scary.
the feeling that you get sometimes, late at night, when the only sounds are the silence roaring in your ears and a few bumps and creeks that seem to be coming from everywhere at once. there's something magical about that, too.
one of the most magical things of all is music. it seems to come from a different world entirely. there is something about music that touches your soul and pulls at your heart the way nothing else can. music can make you laugh or cry easier than anything else in the world.
sometimes, music is the only way you can express yourself. music seems to be part of a different world, a world much bigger and lighter and more mysterious and much, much more magical than ours.
a beautiful song, with words that are sad and sweet and a melody that touched me. that is magic.


Anonymous said...

Hi, are you griffinrider (
Because someone with that Fanfiction address left me an unsigned review I want to reply to, but I can't PM and am not willing to email.
If I've got the wrong person, sorry! Ignore me =]
OK. I'm sorry you didn't like my fic - but it's up to you if you think I didn't capture the feel of Max. You're probably right! I'm glad that you think I'm an incredible writer!! I write FanFiction because I love Maximum Ride, and it's in my head most of every day. FanFiction is a way to put my thoughts on it onto the net, so other people can read them too, and hopefully enjoy them. The characters I use are partly JP's, but I make them mine too, and I enjoy doing that. If I ever get the idea for a story of my own, I'll give you the address. Until I get an idea, I can't really write one, can I? I really appreciate the review, thanks a lot =]


Oh, and if you're not the person mentioned above, sorry!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and PM me if you want =]

Anonymous said...

btelbmagic, is the effect of heaven on earth

Piper said...

huh? what does this have to do with anything??

Anonymous said...

I think golda's golden heart is magical.

Golda said...

I assent with you, 100%!

Cewkee said...

I feel that nature is magical.
If you ever watched the sun set, or analyzed the elements of a mere leaf, or even just watched a bird soar through heavenly clouds, you would probably know what I'm talking about.
People take nature for granted. But if only one would take a minute to be awed at the world, it would make such a big difference.
Did you ever hear the thrilling sound of a cascading waterfall, and had the sensation of the sprinkles of water, hitting your face? and did you smell the fresh, clean scent of the water?
All I can think when I am enduring these circumstances is "Ma Rabu Maasecha Hashem!"
Or if you even ever study the body's systems, and learnt about the intricate blood vessels, etc.
its mind boggling that one could be so clever as to create such a thing!
Think about it.

BassRunner14 said...

I think magic depends on your perspective, what your mind finds miraculous. I guess magic is what we call something or someone does something that we can explain logically.

That's the logical way of thinking about it-

sorry, I've had writers block recentlly, so my creativeness has been totally shut down.

dorkydoodle said...

i agree with both bassrunner and cewke because someone withj the right perspective can think that a reflection on the street is magic! also just watching the water in niagra and the rainforests and all these pretty sites you can tell their is a God and what every God makes is magical. besides that it is also by some called magic that you are living and breathing, do you know how intrecit our bodies are? everything is magical in the world and anyone can see that with the right perspective!!! we are living magical lifes don't waste it use all of it to the fullest!

BassRunner14 said...

This is cool, almost like a chat room, 'cause everyone's on and all...

griffinrider said...

hey moonstar:
yeah, i wrote that review. i'm glad you thought about what i said. your writing is incredible! let me know when you write more!

cewkee, i totally agreee. there are few things more beautiful, mysterious, and magical as nature.

bassrunner, that's a very interesting definition of magic. so, in your opinion, is music considered magical?

griffinrider said...

hey dorky, i agree. don't waste your lives. seize the day!!!!!

BassRunner14 said...

Do I consitter music magical? Hmm...
I guess it depends on what mood I'm in- wrighter's block, I can break it down and really think about what music is, but the normal me,I suppose so. A sensation that just moves through you. It's hard to explain, unless you're in the dreaded wrighters block!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


griffinrider said...

isn't writers block the absolute worst thing ever!? i feel for you.

right now, i don't really have writers block. i mean, i know what i want to say, but when i actually write it, it comes out really bad. it's incredibly frustrating.

so, back on topic:
to each of you guys, what is the most magical thing of all?

BassRunner14 said...

Tough question...

shmozywannabe said...

I want to thank you for joining us. Your words of wisdom inspire me to a large degree.
That was truly a wonderful blog that you posted. I must say, I am extremely impressed.
But how about evil magic- witchcraft and wizardry?
There are evil forces in this universe that cause spells, or merely just ghosts, evil spirits. what can you comment pertaining to that?

dorkydoodle said...

well pertaining to music first, i believe that music is definatly magic. it can totally bring out emotions in a person, also when one is mad or upset listening to music relaxes you. additionally we can see this also by the fact that when you play music, it comes out as a result of your mood. it will be very good and smooth when in a calm mood and bouncy when happy and loud and hard when angry. i have experience in this for just the passed week, my paino teacher asked me if i was stressed or upset about something for my playing brought out a freeling of that! now as to evil magic alli can say is that it is regular magic just put in the wrong hands. like for example, fire. fire can be very pretty and keep you warm but on the same note burn things or people, destroy, devistate. so now can you see that it is just the person who is using that magical thing!

griffinrider said...

hey dorky:
so true! magic is magic. what we consider "bad" or "good" are often the same things, but in the wrong hands. this applies to almost anything, not just wands and spells.
every one of us has magic inside. all of us have incredible powers. it isn't what your powers are, but what you do with them, that determines whether you are good or bad, right or wrong, villain or hero.

Anonymous said...

Man een doos nadaram!
Chee Chee meegee dochdar?
Seebzamini bochoro to saret, mefami?

Piper said...


Piper said...

this convo is so soporific!

Anonymous said...

Everybody, please come to Mr. Griffinrider's house on Thursday evening for free vaccines to prevent the horrific condition of ODD.
In fact, I am including more syptoms that have been recently dicovered at a study which transpired in Colombia University.
Recently Discovered Symptoms:
(please note that this is in addition to the previous syptoms)
1. Lightheadedness when coming into contact with any sort of acidic liquid
2. Random vibration of the lower left leg
3. Strange desires for consuming harmful chemicals
4. Layin lifelessly on a flat area after exercising for 3.5 minutes.
Please arrange a consultation if you notice any of these symptoms.
Be well!

natschuster said...

There are truths out there. We cannot arrive at these truths by empirical observation or by applying logic. We must use instinct and intuition. But hat doesn't make these any less true.

Anonymous said...


griffinrider said...

hey natschuster:
i think i understand what you're saying, but i'm not 100% sure. can you help me out, please?

dorkydoodle said...

i am ssoo lost in this conv. doc. you always mix people up! Anyway we went from magic to spordic then to s/t that is beyond my comprehention!

lexylu95 said...

i believe magic is real and i and a griffinder as well by the way thanks for checking out my blog


Case said...

That's deep stuff. Thanx for noticing my blog :)
Yours is way cool!

griffinrider said...

hey dorky:
i see you've added a kitten. cute!

hey doc:
will you please do me a favora and stop talking about ODD? it is completely irrelevant. thank you.

natschuster said...

We know two plus two eqauls four because we see it happen every time we add two plus two. That's empirical knowledge. We know that the Sun rises because we know about eh movement of the Earth. Thats an application of a scientific law. These are truths. We know that music effects us. We just don't know why or how. That's magic. We know that we like some people, and we don't know why. That's magic.

griffinrider said...

oh! i've never thought of it that way. that's a really cool way of defining magic. i like it.