Saturday, December 27, 2008

Starving for Beauty

To all the girls in the world:
I am writing this post to ask you, convince you, beg you to listen to what i have to say right now. Most of you probably won't listen, but maybe one or two of you will. Please, please, at least hear me out, ok? Here's the message:
Give it a rest, will you?
Why does it seem that every girl in the world thinks that she is fat? And why is this such a crisis? Why is everyone desperate to have the figure of a Barbie doll?
The beautiful thing about the internet is that I don't know what any of you look like. i can be talking to really thin people or really fat people. i don't know, and i don't care. it doesn't make a difference.
It seems that every girl nowadays, whether she's fat, thin, or average, is obsessed about her weight. People will do anything to lose a few pounds, even if they don't need to. People who are thin will go to extreme measures to make sure that they stay that way. Girls are killing themselves trying to "look good".
I mean that literally. Bulemia and anerexia are so common nowadays, and it's so sad. Please, step back and look at yourself. You put yourself on a diet, "just to lose five pounds", right? But you're never satisfied. You want to lose more, and more, and more. you are striving for an impossible goal. you are trying to look like the super-thin supermodels that are plastered on billboards in their underwear.
what's the point? if you are seriously obese, then sure, lose weight to stay healthy. ut if you are perfectly fine, then try to eat healthy, but PLEASE stop obsessing over your weight. it's driving me CRAZY! the only thing anyone wants to talk about is what they ate that day. people are scared that if they're not thin enough, they'll never get married.
it's really starting to get on my nerves.
Listen, your body isn't you. But it is yours, and it will be for a long time, God willing. Don't you think you should learn to be comfortable with the body you have, instead of going through so much pain to make it look like somebody else's?
Your weight is just a number. You are not a number. You are not your body. And you don't have to be thin to be beautiful.
A smaller dress size is not worth dying over.


Nixx said...

true, very true

some people are crazy about keeping all thin and stuff. but u shouldnt direct this post to JUST women. some guys are like this too. i think. and a lot of thin people look really ugly, because they have a lot of bones and stuff sticking out of their bodies. its disgusting.

but for all the people that die cuz theyre tryin to lose too much weight: yeah, dead people are REALLY thin



Cuppy said...

Very much agreed my friend!!! I only ever try to keep myself healthy, which means eat right, excersise right and be HAPPY. happiness is a saeriously UGE part of being healthy and you won't be happy if you're constantly obsessing over how much you weigh!! the only reasons i would actually seriously contemplate losing weight is if i was getting unhelthily large or i was getting too heavy to carry myself and my gear on my hang glider. that's it, though!!! and i don't think i could possibly get too heavy for the glider 'cause i only weigh about 100 lb and it can carry up to 200+ and i don't think I'll be having 100 lb of gear!! :P

griffinrider said...

you're right, nixx. i'm sorry, i should've mentioned that this is a problem with guys, too. though i think it's a way more severe problem when it comes to girls, cuz they're so obsessed with the way they look.

cuppy, i totally agree with you about hapiness being healthy. did you know that it's scientifically proven that laughter is good for your health?

Dibsy said...

one i can fully nod to without saying something that starts with "but..."! XDXDXD true, true, so extremely true. (also, it's spelled bullimia and anorexia)
i think so many girls in the world here are too obsessed with their appearances and what all the other people will think about them that they forget all the people that loved them BEFORE.
i can't say i've been a total saint, though, because everyone i know says i am extremely skinny (some say i'm even anorexic, i'm very boney) but every single time i look in the mirror i frown. DX

AliceLostWonderland said...

you are soo right.
one of my friends, friends was bolimic (spelling?), and had to go into hospital for ages and nearly got throat cancer. the clothes show was coming round my area so i went and some of the modles were so skinny they were like creepy scary ugly skinny.

bye XD

MoonStarWithWings said...

Great post (:
I agree, totally. But things are getting better - the world has begun to accept that.
Thank god!
But nobody will ever be 100% happy with themselves - it's not human nature. We all strive for beauty, for perfection in every aspect of our lives.
But fat or thin is so little in life. What does it really matter?


Rose Mary said...

the sad thing is, some people don't even realize they're anorexic.

Cruz said...

I have nothing to add to this post, I completely agree with you.

PS once I was having surgery so I couldn't eat for like 12 hours before it, I thought my insides were eating my stomach! I was starving! idk how anorexic girls can just not eat

Dibsy said...

they keep themselves busy. it's like...peeing (???) if you think about it, it'll hurt(not that peeing is painful...i hope), if you do things that keep your mind out of it, you won't feel it.

it seems to matter to so many people in life because the media exaggerates it, and it gets into their mind that if they're fat they won't be loved, which isn't true. how many times have you watched a romance movie where the protaginist (sp?) was even slightly chubby?

Dibsy said...

never mind, i remember now. hairspray and balls of fury. XD

griffinrider said...

dibsy: oops. i know, i'm a terrible speller.
the media does put a huge emphasis on being thin. everyone is striving for a prefection they cannever reach. what's the point?
my friend's sister died of anorexia. a life was lost over numbers on a scale.
one thing that i didn't mention before is that some people try to be thin because they are afraid they will be bullied if they're fat. that's what this society has come to- overweight people are bullied into depression, so people starve themselves to avoid that.

talk about pathetic.

Dibsy said...

true. i love elementary. (hey did you know i'm eleven years old? ^^") you can be as fat as you want but no one will ever make fun of you like that.

everyone always compares themselves to someone else. "oh, that person has better hair than me" or "i wish i had it out like she does) always is around.

it gets seriously annoying sometimes.

AliceLostWonderland said...

course i missed you XD
i missed all your political/religouse/important speeches that make me think.

Rose Mary said...

holy freak! you're eleven?! that's my bro's age! he just thinks I'm weird when i start talking like this... then again he's a math genius. *shrug*

(back on topic) everyone compares themselves to someone else, but for some reason we tend not to notice their flaws. it makes it seem like we're these horrible people in a world where everyone is perfect.

Dibsy said...

true everyone thinks that for some reason, they forget that no one else is perfect and that they're the only flawed people in the world even though in reality we all are pretty much equal.

griffinrider said...

true, true. we hould stop comparing ourselves to other people, cuz we're not other people. we are us.

Dibsy said...

we should also keep in mind not to forget that nobody else is perfect either and that everyone else has their own personal insecurities.

Beachbum said...

i completly agree with this post. its soo true and most of the time i try to not even step on the scale because you're right, it's just a number. i wish that more girls our age wouldn't freak out if they gained a few pounds over the holidays. it's not a big deal as long as you're still healthy.

Metaldragon said...

You do not know how much i agree with this article. It is great not knowing what people look like sometimes, I personally believe if someones attitude and personality are decent, they could make great friends. Fat, Thin, or whatever. I myself am an overweight guy and i could care less about if people think i am ugly because of my weight. Good post, Keep it up.

Logan The Metaldragon

Hoshi said...

I won't say how I know this person but I know that she had a problem like that- I don't know which, but her jean size is smaller than mine, and I'm pretty small. I ENJOY food. seriously- I ate like five peices of french toast this morning. and I don't think I'm fat. Maybe I could start working out, yeah, but I'm not gonna puke myself to stick thin. because that's gross. and I don't like being sick. she's just so... hurt now. different. don't get me wrong- she's beautiful! but tp be beautiful, she doesn't need to not eat. she's already beautiful. and i don't think she understands that. her mom never tells her no, and i think that that's part of the problem. and another thing- she's just gotten engaged, and i think that that's reinforcing the whole puke-till-i'm-ridiculously-thin-

i don't like it. and girls should know that no matter what they're beautiful(same to guys... just don't do it... uh...)

Rose Mary said...

'beauty is only skin deep, but ugly's to the bone.'

griffinrider said...

how did it start that everyone began thinking that you need to be a toothpick in order to be pretty? isn't it scary how much the media has affected our lives? people are killing themselves because they want to look like the women in advertisements and in movies. i wonder what other ways the media has affected our way of thinking without us even realizing it.

everyone who read this post seems to agree with me. so if everyone agrees, why does it seem that everyone is obsessed with his/her weight?

Rose Mary said...

I don't think they are. I think that's the way it's made to seem. again, the media skews things.

Cruz said...

What people say and what people think conciously or not might be two different things... everyone KNOWS the right thing to say... but IF everyone really thought that, then anorexia and bulimia wouldn't be such an epidemic...

Dibsy said...

other than media, it's also human nature (sort of) to compare yourself to other people. because in reality, everyone has compared themselves to another person one time or another. media has created lots of stereotypes.

Rose Mary said...

well, comparisons aren't all bad. sometimes they can help you improve or if you tell them how you think you're so great at (fill in the blank) that you wish you could do it could give them a boost.

Dibsy said...

true, it gives motivation. but too much of it is bad.

happy new year eveyrone!

griffinrider said...

comparing yourself to other people too much is really unhealthy. to find out if you are making progress in an are you're working on, you should compare the way you were before to the way you are now. your success should never be dependant on someone else's.

anywho, what i meant about the media thing was, years ago it was fashionable to be a little plump. this was because fat = wealthy back then, so being chubby showed you had money. now, society is pressuring everyone to be stick-thin, and everyone is trying to achieve the unacheivable. isn't it funny how things change?

you know, nowadays it's usually poorer people who are fat, because junk food is cheaper than healthy food, and wealthier people can afford to go to the gym or hire a trainer.

Dibsy said...

agreement! (high fives) what GAVE the idea that skinny = beautiful?

Rose Mary said...

well, once you've started trying to change you should only compare to yourself, but how do you know if there are even things you might want to change if you don't compare. I'm not saying we should always do it. I'm just saying our 'instinct' to compare with others isn't all bad. in a way it's what keeps our society together.

Mac said...

Why would you want to look like a stick? It does look unhealthy, and a lot of the times it is. Look at pictures of people in (for an example) Africa. You see them in the news all the time with all of their diseases and how skinny and sick all of the little kids look. It looks sick, it makes people want to help them. And here is the rest of the world trying to follow it like a fashion, when they don't need help to get food.

Also, being fat is a very bad thing if you are overweight. You see that in the news a lot too, that's why it freaks everyone out. However, I found out in my biology class the other day that being overweight like that my be caused by your body not sending the chemical insulin to your brain. This causes a chain reaction that makes your body think it is starving, and saves up all the fat it can.

Agent Dibsy, you are only eleven?! How come when I acted like that at that age I was just agreed with or looked down (spelling) upon? Why is it that you get credit for being in this debate? Not saying I don't approve, I do, a lot, I think it's great, fantastic even, but still. Is it because I never said anything to people other than my friends?

Zetsu said...

I often call myself chub, because I have a kind of, um... stomach. But it's like loose muscles, right? Some guys (*cough* Ian and David *cough*) tell me I'm anorexic, and I really don't know WHO they've been looking at lately, but I bet I eat more than any girls they hang out with.

most days at lunch, I hear, "Are you eating today? I don't think I'm going to."

I'm not sure why people do obsess over it THAT far, but I do know that it makes ME feel a bit unattractive. But my friend, Michelle, is not thin, and neither is Mariah. but they are both very pretty and nice and fun! Some girls think their whole life is down the drain if they're fat! And... that's only if they're unhealthy, you know?

Dibsy said...

i dunno if this has anything to do with the debate, but i read a book about all this and other than media, they say that mirrors are to blame too. how many times have you looked at yourself in the mirror and thought, "if only..."? i try to avoid mirrors (unless necessary, like taking a bath).

Nira Killy, yes, I am 11, (soon to be 12 in February) ^^. I read a lot so I can relate to a lot of things, and I know things I shouldn't know. (hehehehe...) I'm guessing I'm getting credit for this debate because...I'm participating in it? Please clarify what you mean.

Rose Mary said...

most people ignore the opinion of younger people. but you're not being ignored. I think that's what she's saying.

did you know skipping meals can actually make you fatter?

Dibsy said...

i dunno why. maybe thought i was just 16 or something to begin with. (scratches the back of her head)

really?? >=O

Max said...

AMEN SISTA!!!!!!!!!

Max said...

*that above comment was for the blog post*

dude, i'm sorta chubby *duh, i'm lazy and don't exercise*
but i'm NEVER picked on at school (i'm sorta popular)
this ties in with one of the OLDER comments... anyways, it doesn't really matter what you look like (but don't look like a total slob), if you're beautiful but a pain in the butt no one would want to hang out with you at all.
besides, you have a problem with me, say it to my face
*sigh, i'm an introvert*

blabbing, sorry. also, i avoid mirrors too, i just have ONE in the bathroom so i can brush my hair and teeth (no makeup, HA)

besides, i can't starve myself (i hate it when i have very little for lunch... horrible)