Monday, December 8, 2008

Some Thoughts Bouncing Around My Brain Socket

How do we know what's real? Just because we see it? If we see it, does that mean it really exists, or can it be some illusion we conjure up in order to fit the world into our preconceived notions and borders?
And if we don't see it...does it not exist? That doesn't make much sense to me.
Is fantasy real? Is that an oxymoron? But to say that it's fake is to deny its existence, which is a lie. Or is it?
Some people like to label everything,classify it, pin it down into a category. Can that be done with everything? Can that that be done with anything? Is there any person or thing in the world that you can understand so completely that you are capable of classifying it like that? And if not, if everything is so complex that you cannot even begin to understand the essence of it, why do you always try to label it?
Why must every person be labeled? Are they so simple that everyone fits into some category? Or are humans so complex that one can't even begin to comprehend himself, let alone another person?
Does all this labeling make us confuse reality and illusion? Do we think something of someone just because of the label that we ourselves have stuck onto him? Do illusions even exist at all? Or are illusions illusions themselves?
If i think something is right, does that make it right? For me or for anyone else?
If i think someone is a certain way, do i make him that way by implying to him that he should be that way, even subconsciously, without realising it?
Does what i do determine who i am? and if it doesn't, what does?
Can i be blamed for everything i do? and if i can't, then who does the blame fall on?

I don't seem to be sure about anything anymore.


Nixx said...

Deep, man. very profound. humans tend to only believe what they see...
nut what if everything we see is all in our imaginations?


Nixx said...

heh...i meant "but what if everything" not "nut if everything"...


☽ruby☾ said...

i kind of get what your saying. its kind of like what my friend thinks. she thinks that gazelles dont exist. and that scientists just put a label on them to lead us astray. odd? yes. idk if that is what you ment. probably not. but oh well.
i love your deep thinking.

its kind of like religions. some people can't believe in a god because they can't see them. but seeing isn't believing. or is it believing isn't seeing. im not sure. i hate that line.

MoonStarWithWings said...

To be perfectly honest, this is me now. O_O

But I kinda understand.
Life could all be nothing. But to us, it's still everything, despite being nothing. That means that everything matters... but at the same time, nothing does.
(My head hurts)


Cuppy said...

as for the last line, can the blame actually fall on anyone?

but yeah, very very deep. i wonder about that myself. personally, i think everything is right, even after being proved "wrong". after all, if a person thinks something is right, it's ultimately right FOR THEM, if not for everyone. that goes mostly for thoughts and feelings, of course. as for things that aren't thought or feeling, such as fantasy(novels, folktales, etc.), well, everything has a basis in some fact, doesn't it? or where would they have gotten the inspiration to write/tell abou it?

griffinrider said...

shadowwolf, yeah, i figured you meant "but", though i was a bit funcuzed at first.

ruby, why gazelles, of all things?

MoonStar, so does mine. this kind of thinking always leads me in circles, but i can't help pondering it anyway. you knwo what i mean?

cuppy, if i think something is right, that make it right? i dunno about that one. what if i decide that breaking into my neighbor's house is right? what if i think i'm entitled to do that? then am i justified in committing armed robbery? i think that sort of thinking is what makes a lot of criminals think that they're doing nothing wrong, that they have every right to do what they want.

Decemberflower said...

YES! THIS is why i trust you with my secret! (which i mentioned once before but i think you forgot...) anyway! yeah, did you know Hitler thought what he was doing was right? but to lots of people, it was wrong. now he's considered a horrible person for doing something america thinks is wrong, but HE thought it was right. that's why he did it.

and yeah, illusions are weird. i can never tell what's real and not. well, most of the time. but from where i'm coming from, trust me, it's hard to tell! but, why gazelles? i'm sorry, i had to ask. i have to know.

and we-as in fantasy -exists in those who believe it does, i think. because those few people believe, it lives on ya know? if everyone stopped beleieving, what would happen to us-i mean it? i think we'd-uh, it'd -die off. gone. so we does exist to those who beleieve and we dies off to those who don't. at least that's my opinion. which is most of the time weird and non-understandable except by RM.

so yeah, my secret, in case you forgot, is i really do live in the fantasy (half-way). half-human/half-not. and i think that's why i always catch myself saying "them" when i reffere to humans, and "us" when i reffere to non-human things. like my little thing above this paragraph and DANG this is a long comment. sorry =[ SCHOOL TIME!

Cruz said...

Yes, you can be blamed for EVERYTHING you do, I think everyone is responsible for their own actions, but who we are and what we do CAN BE influenced by other people, experiences, our environment but ultimately it's US as individuals who make the conscious decision to act and those actions shouldn't be blamed on anyone else or anything else...

As far as labels go, I don't believe you can label anything or anyone so specifically, at least I hope not... you have to make the decision NOT to label people so you don't make prejudice, pre-concieved notions, and assumptions about people before you get to know them...

and the fantasy, I believe anything is possible, I have a very open mind (^.~)

c said...

These are all very good questions. Who knows if they will ever be answered.

Sometimes I think that every person sees with different colors. lol. Just think. Like to me yellow is an extremely different color that I have never seen before to you. I don't know. I think it's impossible to think of a "new" color. What if pink to me, is different from what it is to you? I don't think I will ever know for sure.

griffinrider said...

jin, you're half-human? what's your other half?

cruz, i agree one hundred percent. stay tuned for a post on that subject.

c, i also think about that whole color thing. there's really no way to tell that what i call "blue" is the same thing that you call "blue".

griffinrider said...

oh, and WHY GAZELLES?!

Decemberflower said...

gazelles are cute, and probably tasty if Rm would let me hunt them. and GR, you're friends with Rose Mary, would you convince her to let me take a walk WITHOUT my leash?! i asked the other time, and she gave me the 'not on your life' look! i won't run away this time, RM! PLEASE?! (sorry i'm asking this on your blog, it's just that RM's always on this blog, so if i ask her here, i know she'll see it.)
sorry for the cunfuzzlement, GR. yeah, half-human/half-dog. well, a certain type of dog, but those detials are classified to our blog. sorry. and RM's probably gonna read this , say 'no, not without your leash' and also call me a hypocrite for telling you our secret. cuz i got mad at her for telling it to a physical (our word for human), but i just told you so...i can think i'm gonna be yelled at. so, see ya! i'm going to the park!!!!!!!!!!!

griffinrider said...

uh...ok. have fun sniffing fire hydrants.

c said...

I tagged you! go to my blog to see what i wrote. here are the rules
1.Each blogger must post these rules first.
2.Each blogger starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
3.Blogger s that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 8 things.
4.At the end of your blog,you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.
5.Don't forget to leave them a comment,telling them that they've been tagged and to read your blog.

Zetsu said...

simple-minded people label things, because they do not see the puzzle in life that is. People that think outside of the box, like you and me, see the confusion of life's endless possibilities, and sometimes cannot make up their minds. sometimes, we can never make up our minds.

life may, in fact, be an illusion itself. I never say something is real until I see it myself in real life. I don't always doubt everything people say is "fake" (like wrestling which COULD be real). And not believing things can sometimes take the fun and reason out of life. There have been many things that were proven, i.e. allels, other planets, other universes, even! Life cannot be proven, which is why many people still search for the answer.

griffinrider said...

first of all, vynn, i think that everybody, no matter how open-minded, automatically judges people and labels people before they even know them. this is wrong, of course. i'm still trying to figure out why humans ahve such a strange urge to do this. the problem is not labeling itself, persay, it's more acting and thinking based on the labels, you know what i mean?

"i never say something is real unless i see it myself in real life," you say. hold on- didn;t you just call yourself "open minded"? i don't think this sentence fits that category. explain, please?

c said...

We preformed Peter Pan just for the community. I know! It's cool to have people pay to see you act. Tickets were only $10 I think though. Since we were only doing one performance we had a full house! I sort of wish we did more performances, like having an opening night, and shows in between and then a closing night, but oh well. I'm only 11 so it's ok.

vLo said...

this is so profound. wow. it's amazing nobody in the world thinks that way. and it's oh so very annoying too.

Decemberflower said...

off topic and random but: what is "mad"? i mean, it's not even a real emotion i think. more like a cover-up. people show anger to hide that they feel sad, annoyed, emo, uneasy, or even happy sometimes. it's like it doesn't exist but to us it does as we portray it even though we don't really know what it is ourselves. sometimes the world confuzzles me.

Decemberflower said...

and i do NOT sniff fire hidrients! i can't even chase a bird without RM smaking me on the head and shouting "NO!"

Rose Mary said...

you know you would end up chasing them off a cliff somehow.

Rose Mary said...

you know you would end up chasing them off a cliff somehow.