Sunday, March 23, 2008

words hold power.

never underestimate it.
think about it. the things you say-and the things you write- can seriously change the world.
let's give an example, shall we?: how did the second world war begin? ask a historian, and he'll tell you some lame gobbledygook about the Treaty of Versailles and whatever. this is not the reason. WWII began because of words.
Germany was in a depression. they were desperate for a way to get out. and then one man stood up, and told them he had the answers. one man, a few speeches, that's all it took. a few speeches, a few words, and more than six million innocent civilians were murdered. a few years later, the world was at war.
the more you think about it, the scarier it seems. look what just a few words can do.
and this is why you should be extra careful with what you say.
saying something is like throwing a pebble into a lake. it's gone, you can never get it back. but the ripples are still there, and they spread out, further and further, until they cover the entire surface. there's no way to stop them.
if you say anything, even one tiny little comment, that's it. contrary to what many people believe, you can never simply "take back" what you said. you said it, and that's it. the words are gone. but the effects of your words ripple throughout the world, with absolutely no way to stop them.
this can be for good or for bad. you say something constructive, and the positive response from those few simple utterances can last a lifetime.
if you say something hurtful, even just as a joke, the destruction can be devastating.
every single word that you say holds tremendous power. never underestimate it. i know this from experience.
and one last point:
"sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me." I'm sure you've all heard this phrase before. it is the absolute biggest lie on the face of the planet.


VJ said...

people are SOOOO stupid sometimes!

-Gemz- said...

that is so true, words can change lives, sometimes they hurt sometimes they can change your life for the better.

and an iq score of 133 is very good!

OMG its snowing!
Gemzx x

Mella said...

I'm not sure if global warming is tripe or real.


Elizabeth Rivera said...

ummmmmmm you left a comment on 1 of my blogs like libby and taylor or caitlin and taylor or this 1 but idk.........

Elizabeth Rivera said...


griffinrider said...

hey skye:
i know. i've known it for a long time. and it's more than just "sometimes". it's nerly all the time. kinda sad, rite? i mean, we've got lots of knowledge, and we have th epotential to do great things, and yet...we just act stupid.

hey gemz:
exactly! words can change lives, so you should be really careful with what you say and write.

Mella said...

The Queen.

The Queen. Mrs Q is....a representation of history. If we lose the monachy then were ruled by Politicians. I mean we are already.

But The Queen. I don't know she just seems a beauty thing in my head. She represents the empire we had, british.

She is effectively our country.

The Queens important. And she doesn't get any of our taxes. We wouldn't be england without her.

I suppose it just goes to show that you can have as many petty stars as you want but the Queen is above it all.

Its complicated. I sound like a fool.

-Gemz- said...

RE: global warming

yes i know its totally weird! i mean its spring now! and aparently its from a cold north wind. so much for that theory going well.
But anyways its SNOW! lol XD

Gemzx x

griffinrider said...

hey mella-marie:
oh. thanks for clearing that up for me. i'm still not 100% sure if i understand. the point of the queen is to...make england look like how it looked a few hundred years ago? it gives the impression that you still have a monarchy, even though you don't?
uh...i still don't really get it.
is this one of those things that i have to be british to understand?

dorkydoodle said...

this convo. is getting me totally confused.

griffinrider said...

sorry, dorky. you want to be REALLY confused? then check out the conversation i'm having with mii maker on the post about change.

David A. Andelman said...

For a compelling look at the Treaty and all its many consequences for our own time, do have a look at my great new book, "A Shattered Peace: Versailles 1919 and the Price We Pay Today" [] just published by Wiley and available at and most book stores!
Best, '
David A. Andelman

AliceLostWonderland said...

thanks 4 the comment on my blogg!

the world changes and so do we is my motto,
for to day anyway yesterday it was the world would sparkle if everyone wore glitter

~Silver said...

you couldn't be more right.

Zetsu said...

Right-ho and Good show! That's exactly right!!! It's like that bully crap they show you at school, but you said it so much more differently!! Did you go anywhere for Spring Break? I stayed home.

griffinrider said...

hey andelman (do you terribly mind if i call you that?):
sounds interesting. i guess. how did you find out about this blog? and sorry i called your life's work "gobbldeygook". no hard feelings, i hope. anyways, the treaty of versailles really wasn't my point.

griffinrider said...

hey vynn and silver:
thanks! i'm glad you agree. but the important thing is to actually take something from what i said. i think we should all try to be more careful with the way we talk to others.

Mella said...

This is just before I go. I'll be back next tuesday. Hopefully. =D

The quote is from a series of books called The Last Vampire By Christopher Pike. He's a really good authour. I think.

Cya. I'm going to tenerife.

Alannah said...

Have you read the Book Thief? It talks all about the power of words, espicially during WWII, since thats when the book takes place.

Abi said...

i really think that if you have a problem wiht the fact that people are "pretending" to be birdkids then you should just not read that particular blog i mean if i have a problem wiht yours [not saying that i do cuz i dont well not yet anyways i havent have time to read it yet] then either i will not read it or i will just get over it

oh by the way thanks about the complement i try hard but nothing i do looks good to me so its nice to hear you think so


Abi said...

this is soooo true


griffinrider said...

hey alannah:
yeah, i've read it. it was weird. good, but weird.

hey asia:
sorry i offended you. i really, really didn't mean to. i feel like such a hypocrate- i write an entire post about how we should be careful with what we say, and then i go and offend someone!
once again, i'm very sorry.

ImitationRandomFactor said...

yeah, but even more than that, body language has a huge effect on ppl. the way one rolls his eyes, wrinkles his nose, or raises his eyebrows can be even more disturbing that s/t u say. so watch out 4 that 2. especially u, griffinrider. jjk!

Anonymous said...

GR, congratz on the huge hits. When I showed up, there was only like, I dunno, 4 or 5 people including me & you. Good job...
(Remember, this was when I was using my SECRET IDENTIDY)

griffinrider said...

hey imitation:
that is SO true! i have to work on not rolling my eyes at people, cuz i've realized that some find it insulting.

hey flip:

ImitationRandomFactor said...

flipper, i'm not antiquated or from the seventies. evidently, ur either fangdude, gemz, or the devilish Griffinrider himself. WHICH ONE?
ur making me crazy.
GR- try this: rub your stomach counterclockwise, pat your head 10 times, wiggle your toes 7 times, and roll over your shouldes 5 times. ber u cant do it!
whoever from the blogging comrades can do it gets a super special compliment from me. Mii Maker included. (but no praying allowed while doning this)

Anonymous said...

um, I have a question to imitationrandomfactor: what do you have against mii maker? they're only having a debate with griffinrider, what's wrong with that? sorry, just a question, and good point about body-language! (did you know that on fox news they'll sometimes have body language speacialists to comment on things? I think it would be a hard job.)

griffinrider said...

a hard job, but a cool one! and unique. how many people do you know who are body language specialists?

Zetsu said...

Yes, I suppose they would die. Unless they went crazy. Or maybe their body would take over and MAKE them... I'm not quite sure. Chibi Vampire is a Japanese T.V. show, but it's also a manga book. Here's the link if you want to watch it,

It's in Japanese, so you'll have to read the subtitles!

violet said...

what's so cool about being a body language specialist?

Anonymous said...

Hint: NONE of those guys. But I'm here, don't worry. Just keep looking...

Anonymous said...

Another hint-
A quote from me:

I think magic depends on your perspective, what your mind finds miraculous. I guess magic is what we call something or someone does something that we can explain logically.

That's the logical way of thinking about it-

dorkydoodle said...

flip you are just a cunkusing person!!! but i think body language plays a main factor in words!!! if i just say i hate you to s/o that is madish but it's fine. but if i give them these stuck up looks and i roll my eyes a few times each time she passes and then i say a few words that is... just "ouch"!

Anonymous said...

imitation, i have decided to tell you who i am.
I'm sorry for lying to you, being an imposter, but according to your words i am the devilish Griffinrider himself!
mwah hah hah!

ImitationRandomFactor said...

OMG! i knew it al long. i cant believe this griffinrider. we are so gonna discuss this u know when, u know where.
btw, i'm really insulted that u lied to me.

ImitationRandomFactor said...

oh, and by the by, u can tell s/o is lying by there body language to. s/t half a smirk appears on their face. Or I once read in a book that kids cover there mouths, and ppl touch their nose, or it turns pinkish.

Anonymous said...

name's lynn, i've been reading your blog and comments for awhile... i really like the way you think, GR. it makes sense to me most of the time.

and i really got into your convo with mii maker on the other post, about christianity vs. NOT christianity.

i'd LOVE to talk to you about it, but is there some way we could do it off-blog? i'm just really bad at remembering to come back and check if you've commented.

so, comment back, and maybe i could give you my e-mail or something?

that'd be great.
God bless!

AliceLostWonderland said...

everyone, at sometime has said somthing they regreat saying!

woah. how come you are so amazingly deep and spiritual at the time?

well is it a square?

square properties-

shape of mant tins
pointy edges
shape of some cheesese

thats all you need to know right?

-Gemz- said...

RE: things to do

all very good ideas, i can resite the alphabet backwards too, i can spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (my talent), i can write i am working on a book at the moment.
and i always visit your blog :)

Gemzx x

BassRunner14 said...

Wow. Took you a while to find the loophole, huh GR? Well, to all of you, I'm Flip. As for the quote? At the bottom of this comment. Put it into the adress bar and scroll down. It was MY opnion on magic. So there you go!

ImitationRandomFactor said...

I am utterly annoyed. why cant e/o just confess their identity, and then go on w/ their merry old lives?
Bassrunner, whether it was u or griffinrider, tell me what to think!

shmozywannabe said...

I have been told that there is a patient whom is needy of my assistance. Someone by the name of Joey. If any blogging comrade has as idea of whom I am speaking about, nnotify me immeadiately.
-Dr. Shmozella

Steven said...

I don't believe in global warming, like at all.

Can you say.. natural climate change?

It's been happenen for YEARS!!!


BassRunner14 said...

Okay, let's clear things up. I am Flip. You weren't paying attention. Better now?

Alannah said...

I heard somewhere that 90% of the way we communicate is by body language. Hmmm...I think it was from the movie Hitch. So it might not be true, but its something to think about

griffinrider said...

true, and a bit scary. isn't it creepy that we can convey in so many ways other than speech, and yet we usually son't even realize it? weird.

griffinrider said...

hey anonomous-
giving people your email addresses online is a bit unsafe, so i'd rather not post mine. but i'd love to talk to you. tell me what you want to talk about, and maybe i'll post something about it.

hey flip-
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey everyone-
i am not, nor have i ever been, flip. i am griffinrider. just wanted to make that clear.

ImitationRandomFactor said...

so what was griffinrider confession all about?
btw, the eyes have major body language as well. Try this- stande in front of a mirror and cover yor enitre face except for your eyes. then smile, frown, look shocked,etc. you can tell how one feels just from the eyes. seriously!

griffinrider said...

hey star-
aww, thanks! i'm touched.

and i wish proving a square is that simple.

Abi said...

no no no!! no offense taken sooo sorry thought i mean i didnt mean to make that comment sound soo rude i just read it again and i feel awful!!! so sorry agian!!!

btw dorkydoodle!
that pic you have looks just like my kitten!!!!!
her names kelsey


turnabout said...

mmm smart. very true.

Piratelizard101 said...

"Words are very unnecessary. They can only do harm." - Depeche Mode- Enjoy the Silence