Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Mask

You see what you want to see. This is me. You think
What you see is only a shell, a mask. You don't look beneath it, though I'm pretty sure you know that it's there. Maybe you're scared to. More likely, you like how it makes things so much simpler.
My illusion is your reality.
You take what you see and stick a label on it. Pack it up neatly to be displayed on store shelves. It's perfect, you say.
I'm fine, you believe. Or you tell yourself you believe.
I smile, so you think I'm happy. You never glance a little higher, to the tears in my eyes. I don't let them fall.
I guess some people would say it's my fault. I don't let you see. I'm the one who put this mask on in the first place. But then again, I've been wearing it for so long, I can't even remember who first put it over my face. It was probably me. Though maybe not.
Maybe it is my fault.
But even if I would slip this mask off, you wouldn't see. You'd tell yourself it was still on.
No point. Better to keep the mask on. Better not to say how I feel, how I'm being ripped apart inside, because all I'd get is pitying stares. You'd say I shouldn't be silly. Because to you, the mask is real, and anything beneath it is the illusion.
Better not to show you the knife in my heart. Cover it up. Though there's no point, really. You never look at my heart anyway.
You tell yourself the blood is just water.
If you must know, the one thing I want most is to cry. To feel hot tears roll down my cheeks.
But of course I can't. So I smile instead. I laugh. I'm happy, I shout to the world. Don't worry about me, I'm perfectly fine.
But I cry on the inside.
And the tears fall on my heart, adding salt to the gaping wounds.


Cuppy said...

Mella said...

Saddest part is there are people out there who think like that. These are some of the worst parts, I think.

I guess some people would say it's my fault. I don't let you see.
I can't even remember who first put it over my face. It was probably me. Though maybe not.

griffinrider said...

i know, mella. hope you enjoyed it anyway.

c said...

That was amazing. Truly amazing.

You take what you see and stick a label on it.
• I hate stereotypes and judgmental people!

Maybe it is my fault.
•I hate people who blame themselves! Just stick up for yourself. Go against the cliques! You'll find that some people feel the same way you do.

And the tears fall on my heart, adding salt to the gaping wounds.
•Heal your wounds! Don't let other people control you!

I hate peer pressure. (in most cases)

That was a really sad but true post. This is happening. I feel bad for the the masked people in the world. =(

Anonymous said...


Dibsy said...

(metaphorically stabbed)

(is person who always says its her fault)


PS: lol mikomi.

Zetsu said...

whoa. you can really express emotion. that last line actually made me grimace. Well, I want to remove a mask too, but I'm so delirious I have no clue whether it's a mask or not, and whether it's really even there. Maybe the mask is an illusion?

griffinrider said...

c, i agree. totally. if you hate masked people. why don't you try to unmask them?

dibsy, huh?

vynn, i dunno. something you have to figure out for yourself, you know? the first step in anything is discovering exactly who you are.

Zetsu said...

haha. yeah. I was laughing at my friend because she kept getting gutter balls. xD our lane didn't even have bumpers.

Rose Mary said...

pretty. way sad, though.

I think a lot of times, the mask isn't even there at all. it's just an illusion in itself, if you know what I mean.

Mac said...

...That poem just about nailed me on the head. I don't wear a mask, I let myself shine out, but I do wear a happy mask. Because when I am sad, I feel like no one listens. Then I learn they do, if I tell them how I feel. I'd rather not though. I'm not good at that. I feel too burned to rip open the wound and clean it. I might be a little more open, if I felt people listened. The worst part is, I fear my friends feel the same way, and then it is my fault for not looking closer though I try. Which means I failed. I also feel bad if my friends are feeling bad that they haven't helped me, but maybe they should...?

Mac said...

Beautiful poem thing.

Dibsy said...

I agree with Nira. Nobody really cares about me.

Rose Mary said...

wow, everyone has really depressing thoughts. I listen nira!

griffinrider said...

seriously, guys. do your friends really not listen to you? and do you listen to them?
maybe no one listens because you don't speak. one thing i learned is that people often feel totally alone in the world, but they never open themselves up, never give others the opportunity to hekp them. you know what i mean?
i totally understand where you're coming from. i hate sharing my emotions with people. it makes me feel weak and uncomfortable. but if i know that i really need help, i do talk,e ven though i hate to. of course, be careful of who you open up to. i've seen plenty of cases where people poured out their hearts to the wrong "friend", and it was a disaster, to say the least.

Dibsy said...

i do listen and i try to be as out-going as i can. :( but everyone sitll looks over me.

Dibsy said...

grr! sometime ago, my friend asked if he could copy me. i said no, and he took off one of my shoes and threw it in the trash can!!! for the whole day i was called hobo girl... :( where's the justice in that??

Anonymous said...

wow that's beautiful. I can't think of the words to say but it's amazing. Anyways... I don't know what friendly has to do with big teeth. Truly I don't know. I just thought about the first thing that was indistinctly on her face was that huge smile. and i'm kinda trying this thing which i write what just comes up in my mind.

Rose Mary said...


and that's actually pretty funny, dibsy.

Dibsy said...

sort of. but i do not enjoy walking around with dirt in my shoe. v.v my name is not hobo girl!!! DX

Rose Mary said...

I hate shoes. I would've dumped my other one in the trash, and whenever someone asked me why i wasn't wearing shoes just say "blame (insert name here)."

Dibsy said...

well that's not...thats was raining outside. :(

Rose Mary said...

even better!
yeah, I know I'm strange.

griffinrider said...

i hate shoes too. especially high heels. and flip flops. they hurt.

Rose Mary said...

hehehe. I never wear high heels. it was funny, cause earlier this year I had to do an FFA thing, and they said girls were s'posed to wear heels. i borrowed a pair of my mom's that she said were easy to balance in and I still didn't do too great... my first and last experience with heels.

griffinrider said...

the only thing high heels are good for is as a weapon.

sorry i haven't posted anything new for a while. i'm so busy, i hardly have time to think! which is a bit of a problem, come to think of it.

Rose Mary said...

so true!

very funny quote: "I love y'all, but I'm sorry, if we're being chased by man eating zombies, I'm taking off one of my stilettos, throwing it at your heel, taking off my other one and booking it."

also, the visual verification is prosing. that almost sounds like a word.

Beachbum said...

griffin, that's amazing. i'm back, by the way!! i hope to talk to you soon! bye.

Mac said...

No; I listen as well as I can. I know my friends listen to me, if I tell them. I feel that I don't need to tell them. I would like someone to ask me if I'm feeling okay when I am sad. You can tell when I'm sad, I talk a little less, slump a little more, smile less, the whole deal. Just 'cause I do. You say learn to talk; I don't mind sharing my emotions when I KNOW someone is listening. It's just when I feel sad and no one notices unless I say that I am sad that I feel like the poem. I don't know...

To put it simply, sometimes I wish someone would take the extra effort to ask what is going on in my life and look into all the details, give me five minutes of just me. Then we can go back to talking about whatever. You know?

Rose Mary said...

I know I'm odd, but usually I don't care if people listen. I need someone to be sort of listening to start and then i don't care if they keep listening, I just finish the story to myself to get my emotions out, then I usually feel better. Is that strange?

Mac said...

A little. I sometimes do the same thing, but only about small stories.

Rose Mary said...

yeah, some stories are different, but overall I don't care.

AliceLostWonderland said...

wow. that was truly and really amazing. sad tho. . .

☽ruby☾ said...




AliceLostWonderland said...

yeah its all great, and im all for the enviroment

Rose Mary said...


lol! the visual verification is untamed.

Dibsy said...

yay! my birthday-today!!! ^^

Rose Mary said...

happy birthday!

Bronte said...

its like a secret in words
unfortunately amazing
but true
really good post

Cuppy said...

...I know this isn't very in keeping with the post, but it's a random thing i feel like doing. So.

I'm listening to Would You Be Impressed by Sreetlight Manifesto...

Beachbum said...

hello. i've missed blogger. but i've actually been on for three days in a row so i think i should probably be on here for a while. hopefully. i'll talk to you soon griffin!!

Mac said...

Griffin, it's been like a month from your last post. POST ALREADY! I love to read your posts.

Rose Mary said...

... eleventy-two!

Rose Mary said...


Rose Mary said...


Rose Mary said...

I'm going to keep putting random stuff until someone else comments or posts.

Rose Mary said...


Hoshi said...

that was seriously impressive.

I don't really like to open up to people, because I just don't. It's like, it's always the wrong time, or I suddenly have to do something. There's always an excuse. But if I don't talk, then I feel worse. But if I've done something wrong, then I think I deserve it, and I just let it burn.

And sometimes, paper understands more than people do.

Rose Mary said...

paper is very forgiving.

LaughinLovinLivin said...

that was amazing