Thursday, June 5, 2008


decisions, decisions.
when i was younger, i hardly had to make any. what color shirt i wanted to wear, what ice-cream flavor i wanted, that sort of thing. nothing major.
when i got a little older, i LOVED deciding things for myself, and tried to make my own decisions at every opportunity.
and now, well, now i hate having to make important decisions. I'm still just a teen, and I'm not 100% positive of what's the right decision all the time. and I've made the wrong decisions often. too often.
when i make the wrong choice, i often end up regretting it. i say, "if only i could go back to yesterday, and change that!"
thing is, we can't go back to yesterday. ever. we can only move forward. the fact is, you will make the wrong decision from time to time. hopefully not too often, but it will happen. but just sitting there regretting it won't help you.
so, now you're faced with yet another decision- do you let your bad choice eat you up? do you sit there saying, "I wish i can go back and change that!" Or, "i totally messed up, I'm such a horrible person!" are you going to eat yourself up inside, be so consumed with regret that you can't deal with the situation?
are you going to learn?
everybody makes mistake. the question is, do we keep making the same mistakes over and over again, or do we learn? mistakes, bad decisions, are all about growing. you mess up from time to time, but it changes you. you grow from your mistakes. every single action that you do changes you, and hopefully you will be changed for the better.
as Lewis Carrol so perfectly put it:
"I can't go back to yesterday, I was a different person then."

some decisions are hard. hopefully, you'll make the right choice. and if not, it's still okay. just learn, get the experience, grow, and move on. and remember:
"Learn from other people's mistakes, you won't live long enough to make all of them yourself."


griffinrider said...

i know this is totally irrelevant to today's topic, but my friend just started a blog, and would love for you to drop by and have a look:

thanks, guys!

Cuppy said...

HERE HERE!!!!! I totally agree. wow, you really are quite a deep thinker. I officially vote you as being president of the World. Okay? All in favor?...I'll wait on that.

Ees anano retal

RoseM said...

that is so true!
i am in favor of u being president of the world some day. we need someone with your tipe of thinking.
so who come u havend came on my blog and chated with me?

Decemberflower said...

coolio, i totally believe in you GR. you amaze me. *smiles* i vote you as president of the world too.

Anonymous said...

Yup, if i could count all my bad mistakes, well, it would take too long but i don't regret them because i know theres nothing i can do. the thing i hate is when people hold you're mistakes against you, i mean i've done some pretty stupid things that i can't change now and some people absolutly hate me for it but i really have no idea what they want me to do? i say sorry and they just turn away. i guess its annoying that everyone can't see things the way you do.

oh i i also vote you for president, but you already said you don't want to be one so i won't force you, but still you would be a great president, leader, person.

Amanda said...!! it makes me want to get up and do something about this confused world we live in. and i've made some pretty stupid mistakes too...

the votes continue and you've got mine. we won't force you but on your blog know that we're voting you for president of the world!

griffinrider said...

ali, i know what you mean, and it's horrible. a member of my family made some mistakes about five years ago, and people in the community still hate my entire family because of it.
everyone makes mistakes. the important thing is to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them.

amanda, thanks for the compliment. i'm glad my blog is having an effect on you. (or is it affect? i never got that straight.)

guys, i don't want to be president! though i'm honored, i don't think it would be a good idea. i'm not a leader.

Unknown said...

I'm always making mistakes and thinking "What if I did this instead of that" or "If only I'd did it differently" but then I remember what a friend of mine told me:
"Regrets are natural, you just need to learn to bend them around and think, I did it like I did and i can't change that. Thats all to it so just move on before life runs you over and leaves you behind!" You remind me of her, you have an open mind and think farther. [R.I.P. Jessica]
I really love your blog. Your right, No one is ever 100 % sure of anything nowadays.

Decemberflower said...

you don't have to want to, we're not forcing you. we're just voting for you

griffinrider said...

rebellious, that's beautiful. and very true.

Decemberflower said...

people on this blog are so heart warming

Rose Mary said...

I vote 4 GR. but you don't want my vote.
"mistakes are for learning"
~that lame beaver, free the horses aka the stupid movie they made me watch in second grade, but it had some good lessons.
and I think the reason people make fun of you for your mistakes is they are so uncomfortable with their own they have to make someone else uncomfortable. i think another important thing to remember is this: we're teenagers (at least, most of us are, right?) and we should be making mistakes right now. nobody's perfect and this is the time in our lives when we're gaining independence and getting our own opinion on everything but we haven't had a chance to test our ideas so we start doing it now. we make a lot of mistakes and bad decisions when we're teens so that by the time we're out of the house we have some experiences and don't do anything to incredibly stupid. i think it's kind of lame when a parent doesn't let their kids pick their classes and stuff like that. it's not their future to pick.

TwilightMafia said...

even if we make one mistake it sometimes can shape our whole life depending on how momentous that mistake is for others nad ourselves.
you definetly have my vote and i agree with jin here we always agree and add our own thoughts

Decemberflower said...

yeah, this my fovorite blog in the world if you ask my opinon. it makes me think about the world and things that kids don't think about but they should. i'm forever grateful to you GR. you've changed my life and maybe didn't notice.

Monkey Kid said...

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Mii Maker said...

Once again, very deep. Not qoute as deep as the last one though. :P And anyways, not ALL celebrities are depressed! I don't really think that half of the whole lot of them are! I can think of AT LEAST 10 right now that are NOT depressed. (And if they are, well what do ya know! No one knows!) You're generalizing. And that is not a very nice thing to do. Just thought I'd say that.
;) The Mii Maker ;)

Decemberflower said...

i don't think GR's generalizing. i think what she's saying is that celebrities have the worst lives and are sadder than most of us. that's true, they live horrible lives, whether they're deppressed or not. and that's why a lot of them are deppressed or sad. the ones that aren't, normally are new to that star life.

just giving my opinion.

Mella said...

Potato chips?

Hahahahaha. Sorry. The word is a great description of the food. =D

Yes. In England we do call Potato Chips, Crisps.

What do you call chips then? Fries I expect.

griffinrider said...

jin, i'm glad my blog is doing its job.

RM, it's true that we should be making mistakes now. but did you ever realize that SO MANY teens make the same exact mistakes? why can't we learn from eachother that, say, drunk driving, is a bad idea, and not do it? why do we feel the need to experience it firsthand before realizing that it's a stupid thing to do? i just picked any example, it doesn't necessarily have to be that.

Cuppy said...

I agree with that!!! Only I think I'm personally learning from my older brothers' mistakes 'cause they've done some pree stupid stuff. Don't do drugs!!!!

Ees anano retal

Decemberflower said...

drugs are bad. REFO!

Amanda said...


Rose Mary said...

what the heck is refo?
and , yes, GR. we should learn from others mistakes but my point is that we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves because we're only human and we don't have the experiences that a lot of adults do.

Mella said...

American-English Translations.

mall=shopping center.
movie theater=cinema
pants=trousers (this one irritates me so much)
parking lot=car park
zip coded=postcode

That's about all I can think of. Can you think of any more?

Anonymous said...

trash can = bin
Recess = break
cup cake = fariy cake
check = bill
errr... thats all i can think of

Zetsu said...

ha, yes, that would be hectic.

Decemberflower said...

i'd say...

Rose Mary said...

cool. random but cool. and what's refo?

Decemberflower said...

it's an imaginary drug that my cousin's and her friends blame all their "problems" on

turnabout said...

Competely true

Rose Mary said...

okay. you're my REFO, jin. jk.

Decemberflower said...

um...i'm not sure whether to take that as an insult or compliment.

Rose Mary said...

I said it was a joke. IF anyone says it non-joking it's an insult, though.

Darling. said...

Wow. That's really good.