Saturday, May 24, 2008


I've decided to do something a little differently today. usually i write what first pops into my brain socket. but now, i think I'm going to post one of my poems. my poetry is a little- OK, very- bad, but whatever. here we go:
Why are we so surprised when winter comes,
Though it happens every year?
Why is change, though it happens constantly,
The one thing we most fear?

Why don't we stop to tell people how much we love them?
Why do we just assume that they know?
And why do we hold on to thing the most tightly
When it's time to let them go?

Why do we waste precious minutes and seconds
Doing unimportant things?
Why do we push off what we really should do,
As if we know what tomorrow will bring?

Why do we judge others so quickly,
But are reluctant to judge our own minds and hearts?
Why do we try to be just like others,
Hiding everything that sets us apart?

Why do we walk around laughing and smiling
When we really want to cry and shout?
When we're bleeding inside, why do we never seek help,
And think death is the only way out?

Why are we sometimes blind to our own faults?
We're perfect, or so we claim.
We tell others to practice what they preach,
But do we do the same?

Why do we conjure up our own illusions
To make the world seem more secure and fair?
Why do we stand dumbfounded when illusions shatter,
Though we're the ones who put them there?

Why are we often jealous of what others have,
Though they might have less than us?
Why do we so often hide our feelings
From the ones whom we most trust?

Why do we judge others by what we see outside,
And never try to look within?
And when people judge us in that same way,
Why do we think of it as the worst sin?

Why is it that we feel it's horrible to murder,
Or hurt someone in any way,
But we've no problem with driving daggers into people's souls,
Killing them, slowly and slowly, each day?

Will we ever be able to answer these questions?
Will we not be able to change until we do?
And is changing even possible for us?
Do we even want to?


Cuppy said...

wow. That's a crazyness poem. It hasn't got much for meter, so you could work on that, but WOW. You are a really deep thinker aren't ya? Crazy. But yeah, It's not to bad, That much is for sure.

Ees anano retal

Decemberflower said...

whoa...that was...beautiful. it really touched my soul and made me stop and think. thanks, i needed that too since i'm sort of sinking into depression right now...

Cracked Mirror said...

*pretty much speachless*

I'm not going to critique this poem, just because I think that poems should come from sheer inspiration and should come without any guidelines in which they are bound. 'Cause that's kind of thinking inside the box, when poetry is the polar opposite.

I'll just say, amazing. I love thinking about these funny conundrums that humans fit into, the many ways that they contradict themselves. Even though I'm one of them, there are two sides to benefit from. 1. I can observe them as if I weren't human, remove myself from the equation. 2. I can speak from experience.

People watching, people understanding rather, is the most interesting thing for a person to do.

Long comment. Oops. I would say much more if I weren't /pretty much/ speachless. ;)

Cracked Mirror said...

Um, I hope you don't mind, but I posted the poem up here :

It has a disclaimer, so don't worry, I didn't claim to write it. :)

If you don't want it up there then just tell me and I'll take it right down.

☽ruby☾ said...

wow that was good

Alannah said...

That is an excellent poem in my opinion! Its a lot better than the stuff I try to write and pass off as poetry.

Steph said...

Dude. Crazy good.

i think i'd get a migrane if i tried to answer any of them, but it really connected to actual questions i happen to have.

Rain said...

that was beautiful.
i often ask the same things--
i am still searching.

i cannot decide
which is more important, now--
questions or answers?

griffinrider said...

raingirl, sometimes the question IS the answer.

Rose Mary said...

wow, yeah. you're a really bad poet. Horrible, even. (note the sarcasm) if anything I think you might judge yourself a little too harshly. that's almost as bad as not judging hard enough. that was really great. did you notice how poetic a lot of these responses are? did you guys mean to do that?
Jin, you are not getting depressed again... are you?

Beachbum said...

i always love visiting your blog because it makes me think. you have some of the same ideas and questions i do but you can put them down so much better. i really like the poem. it has a lot of good points. talk to you later.

Decemberflower said...

you're my new poet hero/teacher GR, i LOVE writing poetry. it makes me feel better when life gets me down an' stuff. and almost, RM, i almost got depressed again.

griffinrider said...

everyone, thank you for your compliments. cuppy, i don't bother myself with meter stuff. maybe i should.
i know, everyone here sounds so poetic and profound and smart. i like it. you guys make me think, too. that's the point of this blog, right?
and what's up, jin? why are you depressed-ish?

Decemberflower said...

many reasons GriffinRider (i like GR better). i get depressed a lot. it's just my nature. but right now, it's that school is over...

Victoria (call me Vee) said...

that's a great piece of work. So honest and unbelievably true. GOOD JOB!!


Beachbum said...

have you written anything else? i'm sure it would be equally wonderful. you should put it up if you have. we would all love to read it. talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

wow, there is a lot of good questions in there.

Decemberflower said...

i wonder why...?

Rose Mary said...

Jin, Ry pulled you out, right? and I vote we invite Gr to the writing blog.
GR, I know this is random but it's been bugging me: What does ODD mean. You know, on your thing. it says no talking about ODD. I guess I'm sort of breaking that rule, huh?

Decemberflower said...

maybe, and GR, we want to invite you as an author (you know, someone who deos posts and what not) on out story summary blog, you wanna?

griffinrider said...

jin, what exactly would you want me to do? more info would be appreciated.
ODD is my "condition". according to my best friends, i have ODD (this means that i'm odd, get it?) corny, i know. anywho, there really is a condition called ODD, in which someone always disagrees with anything anyone else says. my friends say i have that, too. every time i deny it, they just point and say "See?". it's so annoying!
beachbum, of course i've written other things. writing is my favorite pastime. but most of my poems aren't good at all. i've written a few short stories. i was thinking of maybe posting them. would you want to read short stories, or would you prefer for me to be all philosophical again?

Decemberflower said...

YAY! you've inspiered me GR! i'm posting one of my peoms (it's not very good) on my blog called Eye of the world (
it's called "the pain of my memories" YESH!
will you see it and tell me what you think GR? PLEASE?!

griffinrider said...

sure, jin. i'll go right now.

Decemberflower said...

YAY! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zetsu said...

this is my video on youtube, plz check it out!! *points* --->

Decemberflower said...

WEE! i just felt like saying that

griffinrider said...

WEE! so did i.

by the way, i'm going to be away for a few days, so i might not be able to update my blog for a while. you don't terribly mind, do you?

turnabout said...

nice. crazy long. really nice though.

Decemberflower said...

NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! you can't leave me GR! okay, you can, but still...i'll miss you. hey! now i'm gonna write a poem 'bout feelign alone. see? you inspire me GR!

~Silver said...

:) I like it.

Erin said...

yay for a poem!

you're rhyme scheme is lovely. a problem many poets who use rhyme get into is that the rhyme feels forced, out of place. But yours definitely feels secure and essential to the poem.

Though I would agree with cuppy on the meter. Learning meter, along with the different ways you can use it, really enhances the themes or aesthetic volume of a piece.

And just in responce to cracked mirror's comment that poems shouldn't come with guidelines... I think you have poetry and prose confused. Prose is writing based off inspiration, without thought or feeling to line structure, meter, rhyme scheme, verse, etc. And of course there is nothing wrong with prose; it is an excellent way to organize or lay out your thoughts artistically. But poetry is a higher art form, where "rules" are essential to making the piece poetic. Compare it to drawing; an artist must follow certain techniques to make her drawing more realistic, such as correct shading, or correct proportion. Ignore the guidelines, and your picture is not so pleasing. Poetry requires such standards to create a beautiful poem. Once you learn how to use them, they open more doors to what you can do rather than limit you.

Oh, and I am SO not an actor, just fyi. I did dabble in stage tech and lighting for plays, but i have horrible stage fright.

Decemberflower said...

hmm...i can't do my alone poem until i actually feel alone...okay! i'm gonna lock myself up in my room for the next 2 days with only me, my stuffed animals, and the com. also no lights shall be on, i'll be surrounded by darkness. why am i saying this on the comment thing? why am i-gosh! i hat eit when i do that!

Anonymous said...

Its really good, better than the poem i wrote and makes you think too, i don't think we can ever answer all those questions

griffinrider said...

thanks, ali and silver. your compliments make me feel happy.
jin, g'luck with the poem, and with locking yourself up with only your stuffed animals. are teddy bears good company?
emd, i don't really care for all that techinical stuff. i just write. rhyme scheme, merer, whatever. it might make the poem sound better, but i really don't even think about it. maybe i should.

griffinrider said...

oh, by the way, i'm leaving tomorrow morning. probably. but i'll be home in a few days. don't miss me too much!

Decemberflower said...

too late, I MISS YOU GR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! right now it's just me, my beary, and the computer. *smiles* i like it, and yes, teddy bears are amazing company. hmm...that might not be to good for my poem...okay! byebye beary! see you in the next 2 days! but the computer is staying.

AliceLostWonderland said...

very good. but it really is true.

its so true it makes u reflect on the world. and it makes me sad.

Decemberflower said...

this is weird but i actually like feeling sad! and i finished my alone poem 1 day early! it's posted on:


Decemberflower said...

i still feel alone here...
COME BACK GR!!!!!!!!!!! and i dun feel a whole lot alone cuz now star is back! but i dun know for how long...

Rose Mary said...

you don't have a com in your room, jin. do you?
I left yesterday morning too! I went to youth coference and it was way fun. I'm back now.

Decemberflower said...

YAY! now star & RM are back! now i wait for GR & Cal...

Rose Mary said...

i was at youth conference for one day, jin. where was star?

Decemberflower said...

dunno, but out_of_this_world is back too! i'm still waiting on GR and Cal.

Rose Mary said...

when will cal get back, i wonder.

Decemberflower said...

*sigh* i miss her

Rose Mary said...

she's back! now we just have 2 wait for GR.

Decemberflower said...

yay! cal...or back! WHEN WILL GR GET BACK!?

Unknown said...

Why are we often jealous of what others have,
Though they might have less than us?

I like that part. I think of those questions all the time. When I get close to answering, the question changes.

griffinrider said...


wow, you guys could barely last a weekend without me! makes me feel so loved! but i'm back, and better than ever! R.Roker, i'm glad you liked that.

-Gemz- said...

wow thats a good poem!
it really makes you think.

Gemzx x
(im back)