Saturday, January 12, 2008

the worst time of the year

well, my whole school is going crazy. everyone is near panicking. pandimonium threatens to break out in every hallway, and each classroom is on the verge of chaos. why? because it's that dreaded, cursed time again: FINAL WEEK.
yup, here we go again. twice a year, the school decides to torture its (mostly) innocent, helpless students by giving eight huge tests in a row for one week straight. this is a particularly painful form of torture, because it stretches on and on, seemingly endlessly, for an entire seven days. but even worse than final week is the week before- when everybody is running around like a chicken that just got its head chopped off. all of us panicking about the same question that keeps playing over and over again in our minds: will we survive the week?
you know, the strange thing about finals is that usually, during the rest of the year teachers try not to give us too many tests in a row. they usually don't give us more than one test a day, and never more than two. but for the most important tests of the whole year, we have them one after the other, two a day, for an entire week. doesn't this seem a little strange? teachers always tell us not to cram, but is it possible not to with so many subjects to study for? how can i possibly study in advance for eight different subjects, plus finish the two reports that are do during final week? seriously, sometimes i feel that if i try to study for every test, i won't do well on any. i have to chose a few that i really wan to pass, and let the others fall by the wayside. that seems to be a bit of a shame, really, considering i could probably do OK on all of the tests if i had a bit of time to study for each test by itself. so here's the question: which subject would i rather do well in: English, chemistry, or global? Hmm. I'll have to think about that.
and everybody running around panicking in the few days before final week doesn't help anything, either. I've been studying a bit tonight, and i still don't feel like I've gotten anywhere. I'm sure nobody is going to read this post until well after finals are over, because they don't want to get distracted. nothing in the world can take people away from their studying in the few precious days before final week. it seems like I'm the only one in the world right now who isn't studying. so what am i doing? procrastinating, of course. that's the one thing that I'm good at. i don't want to sound too full of myself or anything, but I'm really, really good at procrastinating.
OK, i hope you all enjoyed this post, because it might be my last for a while. I've gotta get some studying done.


shmozywannabe said...

fourtanutely, what you have stated previously is untrue. Because I happen to be visiting this blog even before finals begin!!!!
I have remained fatihful to this blog during times of stress and joy.
Furthermore, in reply to your previous posting, I would like to comment that the best advice I can pass over to u, as silly as it sounds, is to attempt to relax. placing yourself into the right mindset will significantly assist you. in other words, think of this as an oppurtunity to learn with enjoyment. I know this is difficult and you can query: How can one possibly enjoy studying grammar, and of course, how will knowing what a direct object is help me in my future?
but I cannot answer these questions. If I could i would say : I agree with you completely, and you dont have to know it! But you know I cant respond in that way.
But here are a few tips to help you:
-Sit yourself in a quiet place- s/w that its unlikely that u will get disturbed (even if that means going to ur friends house)
-make sure ur not hungry and u have a tall drink in front of u w/ a straw (im telling u!)
- set all of ur work in front of u, knowing whats most inportant, and focusing on that
-keep all phones away from u!
-have all supplies ready in front of u
-teach urself the material- talk aloud as if u were tutoring someone.
write questions on a separate sheet of paper
-take breaks but not frequently
-have fun!
i hope these tips helped u somewhat!

griffinrider said...

thanks for the tips! i'll certainly keep them in mind.
i would like to thank you for your dedication to this blog. even during final week, one of the most stressful times of the year, you still remain faithful to the blog. that means a lot to me. seriously. through thick and thin, we'll always stay true to eachother, right? even though this blog is a big waste of time in many ways, and i'm only writing on it right now to procrastinate studying,it's nice to see that your faith in the blog hasn't diminished, even during this most trying of times.
thank you for your continued support and dedication! happy studying!

shmozywannabe said...

And yet I remain faithful to this everlasting blog! A few more tips on studying
-divide the studying into mini sections w/ paper clips. this will faciliate the learning process, thereby allowing u 2 studying other subjects in between when u feel a break from a particular topic is absolutely necesarry
-if u find it helpful, have a study partner- test e/o and review
- if u feel that u r tired- GET REST, wake up early the next morning instead when u r well reseted- dont 4get about breakfast!
-have true confidence in G-d- u do ur job and He'll do his, inevitably, what He desires will occur
Annd with these tips i end off and wish you the utmost best till i visit this blog again!
get me a recordo 4 my birthday

griffinrider said...

a recordo? with cassettes? how about a bike-o? how are you and Rafael? d'you still think he's calor?
anywho, thanks so much for all those studying tips. you seem to know quite a lot about the subject. i'll certainly keep them in mind.
happy studying!

violet said...


dorkydoodle said...

what is everyone panicing about? tests? well that is just wierd. panicing is the worst thing to do. Anyway fangdude, which one do you hate more...? failing tests because no studing and imput was put into your work, or, studying so you do well and go on in life flying with colors.? think about this one!

shmozywannabe said...

please dont mention Rafael ever again. We broke up and i definitely dont think that he is calor. So quit it, ok?
otherwise it will prevent me from visiting this blog b/c i dont want to think about him. And your just making it worse.
and yes, I would prefer an iPod-o rather than a recordo. Recordos are so yesterday. reminds me of you-know-who.
Fangdude- relax and ask griffinrider to explain my tips to u. with some hope they'll help. otherwise they wont.
well, have fun studying to the both of u.

shmozywannabe said...

dorkydoodle, people panick due to the impulses sent to the brain from the bending of the spinal cord. If you've noticed may people strerch when overwhelmed which then casuses much feedback from the body. think about it.

griffinrider said...

is that true, the whole panicking thing? i don't panick because of tests, generally. at least, i try not to get too nervous. that's completely counter-productive. but my problem is, sometimes, i'm not nervous enough, and that can be a problem, cuz i don't do as well as i could have.
fangdude, i totally agree with you!
shmozalina, sorry about Rafael. i actually think he's llueve.

shmozywannabe said...

llueve? whats that suppsoed to mean?
and i told u not to mention him again!
in any case, i would like to comment that my defiinitionn of panicking may have been inaccurate from the feedback i have been recieving. therefore if any being (human only) has some sort of feasible interpetation of the meaning, may share it with me so that we can assist dorky the doodle in comprehenstion of unknown terms.
Thank you for your understnading and cooperation.

griffinrider said...

i think panicking means people run around in circles, often screaming the same word or phrase over and over again. this seems to happen a lot in my school during final week.

shmozywannabe said...

would u please put up a new and interesting blog already? ur negligence pertaining to this blog is irking me quite a bit! now, get moving!

griffinrider said...

well, since you asked nicely...